Tuesday, May 02, 2017

We Need to Stop Diagnosing Babies and Toddlers With 'Sleep Issues' AMEN
Study: Putting kids to bed early means better mental health... for mom
The Conversations We Should Really Be Having With Our Partners If We Want Our Relationships To Last
4 Reasons To Ditch Academic Preschools
These Are The 3 Types of Friends Everyone Needs in Their Life
How childhood stress can knock 20 years off your life
Four Abusive Behaviors That Aren’t Physical " Victims of abuse are not always covered in bruises. Many are never even touched at all. However, the offense is just as destructive. Emotional abuse damages the victim psychologically. They become confused, and they lose their sense of self. "
How single moms can make the most of their weekends
Kids Who Do Chores Are More Successful Adults
My Escape From Anxiety
how our brains are wired to respond to confident people
A break for busy families: If both parents can’t make it to dinner, that’s okay
10 Things Every Grown-Ass Man Says To His Postpartum Partner To Help Her Feel Good About Her Body.. yes... you are a jerk.
The Strong Evidence Against Spanking
6 questions to ask at every doctor’s appointment
A mother of 6 responds to 'Must be nice to have a husband who helps like that.'.. well.. at least, he was nice..... compared to someone I know.. he is a jerk.
Money-Rich and Time-Poor: Life in Two-Income Households YES AMEN... I am feeling in that world.. :)
Do Moms Who Work Less Have Healthier Babies?
A Mindset Shift to Continue Supporting the Most Frustrating Kids
23 Stories About Parental Leave In The United States, it is so personal and raw.. I am really lucky compared to these moms.
The Real Reasons Why Marriages Fail — And How To Not Let Yours Suffer The Same Fate
The Way This Guy Handles His Girlfriend’s Anxiety Is Melting The Internet.. yes they are okay..that is no shaming.. how nice.
9 Things I Do Regularly That Bring Down The Mom Judgment
11 Weird Things About Postpartum That Every Woman Goes Through "women can expect insomnia, mood swings, and unexplained crying postpartum".. those are my steps to get healthy.. and instead , they ignored science and just called me crazy.
My Husband Thinks He’s The Lucky One. He’s Clearly Oblivious, And I’m Grateful For "He chose me, and continues to do so every day, as quietly and casually as if it were reflex — as if, to him, loving me comes as naturally as breathing. " .. wow, this knocked my wind out.. yeah.. he didn't choose me.
Parenting Secrets That End Power Struggles
I Vow To Start Making Girls’ Night More Of A Priority
How do teachers teach if parents don't parent?
The Difference Between Soulmates and Life Partners
10 Things I Feel Every Time I Drop Off My Kids With My Ex-Husband
Stay Single Until You Meet A Guy Like This
When having separate bank accounts is the opposite of independence
Our natural sleep
50 Affirmations Just for Kids
What I Learned From My Sexless Marriage
1,500 happily-married people say the key to lasting relationships isn’t communication — it’s respect RESPECT
The Divorce Gap
What women find in friends that they may not find in love
Why You Should Date Someone Who Makes Love Easy. "The love that comes once in a lifetime."
Is it too Late to Raise a Bilingual Child?
What Does Co-Sleeping Do To Your Body?

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