Monday, May 08, 2017

Postpartum Depression Nearly Took My Life And My Marriage, I cried a lot, and worse, i cried because people that supposed to love and tell me everyone is gonna be ok said I am a basket case and I am hurting my child and they were hurting me on purpose.. so now they are forever gone...well, at least in my house
9 Ways The Newborn Years Almost Ended My Relationship
30 questions to ask your kid instead of how was your day.
The 5 Things Your Kids Will Remember About You. This is why i left my form toxic wold of MVP and GKP
Stop Being So Stern (What to do Instead)
9 Things you should never say to your kids if you want them to be happy and successful
But I Want It
Do entertain the animals: 5 ways to be a better human at the zoo
The long and the short of it
When Success Leads to Failure
Love is sweatpants and take-out on the couch, actually
The Most Valuable Thing a Parent Can Do for Their Kids "Life is not safe, and so our task is not to promise our kids there will be no turbulence. It’s to assure them that when the turbulence comes, we will all hold hands and get through it together."
What to say to your kids instead of “good job”
4 ways to control your emotions in tense moments
25 Hilariously Honest Mother’s Day Cards To Give Your Partner In Parenting
'Alarming' rise in children hospitalized with suicidal thoughts or actions
Are fidget spinners a threat to America? Yes. Yes, they are.
There's Nothing Wrong With Leaving Your Family Once a Year
32 ways to savor your children while you have them
To the Single Moms, on Mother’s Day THANK YOU THANK YOU.
Touch the One You Love
Tool or toy?: Why fidget toys may be hurting as many kids as they help
Mom Nails How Ridiculous Parenting Double Standards Are in One Post
The One Thing Parents Can Do to Make Mornings Smoother, According to Science
Your brain is particularly vulnerable to trauma at two distinct ages
Beyoncé’s Publicist Explains How Pregnancy Works To Gossip Site Spreading Rumors

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