Friday, October 31, 2008

Tears of joy...

the best halloween costume
the second best halloween costume
Japan air force chief faces sack, can you believe he said what he said?
10 Questions for Wayne Wang
Who Requested Sarah Palin's $150,000 Makeover?
Can new beers prevent trouble brewing?
Warm hands do make warm hearts
Gas for Under $2
First dates -- the good, the bad, the OMG
Parties chase Asia-Pacific vote
Hong Kong widens China food tests
China faces getting rich less quickly
Dalai Lama 'loses hope' for Tibet
A Light Take On The Gravity-Time Relationship
Why I Love 'Mad Men'
Anchorage Newspaper Endorses Obama
Krispy Kreme creditors to meet, seek HK liquidation; 冬甩連鎖店Krispy Kreme關閉部分分店
廢鐵價跌九成 廢紙價跌六成
全球面臨威脅景點 故宮榜上有名
Growing Asian-American vote sheds passive past

Miss J's character without her mop


Temporary Fibre shutdowns to begin Nov. 10

Boeing, Union Reach Tentative Agreement
Qwest Cutting Jobs As Market Changes
Should The U.S. Auto Industry Be Rescued?
Semiconductor sales growth drops dramatically
Why America Needs an Economic Strategy

October was a very very very busy and fun month...

In the sea of reds, Beavs lost
Sears tower snap shot, where is the view?
Chicago with Sue, the T-rex. Isn't Sue cute?
I love those hawks!
I love my dryer cans hot! @ Ironwork
What was in the red bag? Guess? Cheese?
Who are they? I don't know. Cooler typcoon from Jersey, just a feeling?
The latest bump cap look, super dork hot off the press, 1 proud dork!

Happy halloween

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

溫嵐 離不開他
I filled up my tank today for $2.34 a gallon.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

yellow apparel: when the coolie becomes cool

(part 1 of 3)yellow apparel: when the coolie becomes cool
(part 2 of 3)
(part 3 of 3)
American Boy Parody-"First Asian Boy"


A hunter, a chemist, a mechanic or a construction worker are ready-to-be Halloween costume idea...
Well, there were Bear Stern, Government Lends AIG $85 Billion and the infamous $700 Billion bailout.... now this? We are so ready to SAVE us and the world.. here we go socialism, state-run bank with state-run auto-maker.
Should The U.S. Auto Industry Be Rescued?
Automakers Seek Government Help Beyond Bailou
GM seeks $10 billion in aid for merger
Happy Diwali!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I am following the cheese...

Dean and Ronnie are looking into jobs in the desert.. so maybe I can follow them into the world of softies...
Newspapers see sharp circulation drop of 4.6 pct

Another tears jerker movie...

マリと子犬の物語, Mari to Koinu no Monogatari, A tale of Mari and three puppies, 柴 犬 奇 蹟 物 語

Jeannie 's Letter to the Man Who Yelled at Her

Letter to the Man Who Yelled at Me by Jeannie Choi 10-20-2008
Dear Sir,

I am writing you this letter after much internal debate to inform you of the many realizations that erupted within me after our very brief encounter yesterday. I am writing you this letter because there is a lot I have to say to you. I am writing you this letter because after a great deal of thought, I’ve decided that you might like to know what you did, what I should have done, and what I hope can happen between you and me in the future.

First, what you did. Yesterday, as I was walking down Columbia Road, you saw me from a distance. I did not see you, because I was on the phone. But you certainly saw me. You saw me in my summer dress, walking quickly because I was late for dinner with my cousins, chattering away on my cell phone, laughing at something my friend said. You saw me. You saw my black hair, my sloped forehead, brown eyes, and undoubtedly in your mind you thought something along the lines of chink, gook, oriental, Chinese chick who doesn’t speak English. And for some reason, for a reason that I can’t understand, you proceeded to get right in my face and yell at me. And if you can’t remember what it is you yelled—Well, I do and I probably will forever:“Ching chong ching chong f***ing CHINK!”

Maybe I should introduce myself. I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1982. I have since lived in Pennsylvania, California, Illinois, and now Washington DC, where you also live. I studied English literature and professional writing in college. I have a graduate degree in church history. I am an editor at a magazine. I am not a good drinker and have been known to pass out after one midori sour. I like to play racquet sports. I have a younger sister. My grandfather died of pancreatic cancer when I was a freshman in college. My dad and I cried on the phone together for the first time when he told me granddad was gone, and I cry every time I think of him to this day, seven years later. I like to listen to Talib Kweli, Bon Iver, and Ella Fitzgerald. I love love love steak. I am miserable at mental math. I’m a dog person, though I live with seven cats. I believe there’s nothing more comforting than nestling a steaming cup of hazelnut dark roast between your clasped hands.

All of these things, I wish you knew. I wish you knew me. I wish we were friends. I wish I had turned around, instead of walking away, walking faster, tears of fury streaming down my face. I wish I had run and caught up with you so I could have introduced myself in person and told you my story, and heard your own. I wish we could have apologized to each other. For one, I am sorry that my people have cordoned ourselves off into a cushy upper-middle class existence. I am sorry not enough of us, my Asian brothers and sisters and me, care to interact with people from other backgrounds. I’m sorry that we stay in our safe, Asian American Christian fellowship groups on campuses. I’m sorry that we carry generations of racism in our bones. I’m sorry that once we enter professional life, we ignore the travails of those minorities not as fortunate as ourselves. I’m sorry that sometimes I forget that I am a minority. I’m sorry that our people have never really met or fellowshipped together. It’s a damn shame too, because I’m sure we could get along if we just stopped to say hello.

I’m sorry that in the year 2008, you still haven’t met me, and by me, I mean, the archetypal me. You have never met me, an Asian American who speaks English as her first language. As a result, you felt as though you could mock me and get away with it. And to a certain extent you did. But the truth is, I realized that it’s partly my fault that you had never met me because I kept myself in a safe bubble and stayed comfortable in my element. I am sorry for that. I’m so sorry.

Finally, I write to make you a pledge. I pledge to introduce myself to you. I pledge to immerse myself in my community … in this neighborhood of Columbia Heights, where blacks, latinos, whites, and Asians run into one another on the streets, at the grocery store, in restaurants. What you did yesterday made me realize that the only way for you to know better is for you to know me. So I hope we meet. I hope we become friends. I look forward to it.

Sincerely yours,

Exclusive Interview With Runaway Beagle
守 下 留 情

節 目 內 容 :

每 個 人 心 中 , 都 可 能 會 有 一 些 沒 有 完 成 或 者 做 得 不 夠 好 的 事 情 , 令 你 一 生 抱 憾 。 這 些 事 情 可 能 會 出 現 於 感 情 路 上 、 工 作 上 、 或 家 人 朋 友 相 處 關 係 上 。 這 個 節 目 令 你 有 機 會 為 沒 有 完 成 或 者 做 得 不 夠 好 的 事 情 劃 上 句 號 , 解 除 心 中 遺 憾 。

Anthems For The Angry And Underpaid

1.5 Million Ways to Kill a C.E.O.
2.There Is Power in a Union
3.Gimme Some Money
4.Give, Give, Give Me More, More, More
5.Money (That's What I Want)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Constantine from tonight reminded me of my fave movie: The Lake House
White Falcon, White Wolf: Surviving Winter on Ellesmere Island


White Wolves footage from BBC Nature and soundtrack of "Fear" from Sarah McLachlan

Next Episode : Monday, Oct 27 at 12:00 AM, The enormous falcons and Arctic wolves raise their families on Canada's remote Ellesmere Island.

Forward from another 9 to 5 Cube Monkey Warrior, I think it applies to us, the techno babies, no matter where you are.

Boringfish: AMEN to tip 7,8,9, and 10! Amen to my friend Lam and his friend Eva.

Lam:Here's an interesting article about the unspoken truths that I wish they told us (millennials, et al) before we entered the real world. While it was intended for “techno-babies”, it is also a good read for other generations – to better understand this new workforce. As young professionals new to the American workplace, we’re poised to fill the shoes of our predecessors and will//have encounter many roadblocks, some of which are avoidable. This article refers to them as unspoken truths or generational stigmas, of which we will need to eventually overcome. The article presents them as first as issues then offers possible resolutions. The goal of which, will hopefully resolve them before they’re roadblocks and grant us a career we choose.
What prompted this e-mail/article was the impact these stigmas throughout our careers and how to avoid potential pitfalls. I hope this was useful for someone in either advancing the career or the understanding “techno-babies” goals and expectations.Please give it a read if you have the time – it makes some good points and offers some memorable pithy words of wisdom.

Just food for thought. Cheers!

CAREEREALISM: Yikes! Hey college students and young professionals - have you seen the lead story on CareerJournal today? Not to mention, their follow up punch to the gut - an excerpt from a book that refers to you as ‘trophy kids’ and discusses why your egos are going to get the best of you in the workplace.

External link: Can You Handle the Truth? 10 Tips About Career (That No One Ever Tells You!) Because EVERY Job is Temporary

TIP #1: You are the most educated generation to enter the workforce, but you are also viewed as the least prepared. Don’t be blind-sided by your generation’s professional reality.
TIP #2: The other generations in the workforce don’t have much compassion for your situation. You are being incorrectly perceived as lazy, entitled and arrogant. Don’t validate these beliefs by ignoring their concerns, instead, work to overcome them.
TIP #3: DON’T road trip, backpack or ‘take a year off’ without thinking about your career first. Those who delay to play, often pay!
TIP #4: More degrees don’t mean more money! If you aren’t sure what to do next, the LAST thing you should do is stay in school.
TIP #5: Don’t succumb to Cinderella Syndrome. The sooner you break your addiction to acceptance, praise, grades, rewards and other bribes, the sooner you’ll find personally satisfying work that is professionally rewarding.
TIP #6: Got a Career Story? If not, then plan on a longer, more stressful job search.
TIP #7: Spray-and-pray job searches are for people who are willing to settle for what’s available. Get active, create a network, and you’ll get access to the hot jobs nobody else knows about.
TIP #8: A great mentor is worth a lot more than a good job.
TIP #9: Want to quantum leap your career? Then learn to deal with the three C’s …now! Conflict, Criticism and Causing Disappointment.
TIP #10: Embrace the equation used by the most professionally satisfied people in the world. EXPERIENCE = LEARN = GROW.

Some folks in Huskies nation

Willingham appears short on time at UW
It said "FIRE TY" in the front.
"art establishes the basic human truth which must serve as the touchstone of our judgment." -JFK

"A lie told often enough becomes truth" - Lenin

如此即興 彷彿紐約某橫街
有異國喇叭 美麗塗鴉


 我虔誠愛你 以靈魂騷動你
 騷動到 有樂器 奏到心扉
 我全神看你 以靈魂來抖氣
 感覺多騷靈 以無邊溫柔吻你*

從此一對 識得感性就搖擺
趁陶醉片刻 發現曇花



我虔誠愛你 以靈魂騷動你
騷動到 有樂器 處處響起
我全神看你 以靈魂來抖氣
感覺多騷靈 以無邊溫柔吻你

為你舞臺提起 為你鋼琴彈起
以靈歌歡呼 愛你

The day after my crash at work

Missing Hang's Noche de las Brujas to have a night with Warren Miller.

Here are some costume ideas from Hang:

I am not the only one going as the white shirt, red skirt uniform school girl in this halloween season (there will plenly of us out there), I willjust go as whatever I can find in my closet.

A great day with my friends; shopping (sexy toy and clothes), drinking (honey citrus ale), eating (dim sum) and partying (Warren Miller rocks), except the downer from the dude at Binyon's broke my rimless glasses. I am so disappointed and depressed!!

The things you own end up owning you... It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I filled up my tank today for $2.54 a gallon.
"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
" - Hawthorne

ONCE: Falling Slowly

Glen Hansard - Falling Slowly Lyrics

I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You've made it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along

Friday, October 24, 2008

張惠妹 A Mei's sad love songs..........




張雨生、張惠妹 - 最愛的人傷我最深





Baby Panda

Baby Panda, oh so cute! Bud, I feel the same way at the end of the day!

WY is below 30

OMG, I will have to work till I am 85 now! or I will need to start buying Power ball, mark six!

Worst day at NP.

Local timber industry bracing for tough times
Polar bears dying out in Russian region
Here we go again, can he just go away? Ex-Judge Back in Court Over His Truant Trousers
They're Smurf a fortune
Chrysler to cut 25 percent of salaried work force
10 things NOT to say on a first date
Hmmm... what can i say? Taiwanese attack Chinese envoy
Take your time to time your meal: Speed of eating 'key to obesity'
Sad, Dead Chinese dogs 'ate melamine'
I know this dude from the 'what if" place: Forestry Research Recognized by Wall Street Journal
Warning: Cruel Humor
S Korea's 'kimchi' feels the heat
Can divided Belgium hold together?

Fri and Sat's evening

Children of winter by W Miller

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I met Cheryl Chow and learned all about her mother, Ruby Chow
Ruby Chow, 1920-2008: City loses political, cultural trailblazer



Graduation approaching....

What is your exit strategy?

According to Bill, you can choose from:



India, the comments from the readers are pretty nasty.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Paper or plastic?

Albany cut jobs back in early October, well now that P3 is making medium with recycled fibers, thus the kraft pulping and chemical recovery are less critcal to the total site production and sustainability........I wonder what are "the new guy" up to next? What if I am still sailing on that ship with my beated-up Victorian house in Beavstown, what would life be liked to Boringfish?


Missed Doggie Palooza, Pdx Uke and James Hill

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Endora's b day

Happy Birthday!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mr. McCain is a screw up.

Senator John McCain finally visits the Late Show. Watch his entire interview with Dave.McCain hates gooks
Wayne Wang's feature film The Princess of Nebraska premieres tonight, Friday, October 17 at 9:00pm PST The Screen Room


far far away....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dallas Ft. Worth, TX

Mike is lovely
Mike and his beer-can chicken at Bone Daddy's
Tom was modeling the "fashionable" style of wearing his orange bump cap
The group + Missing Monty

Thinks big, lives large
& don't forget RUSTY the bull.
Awesome comeback, Red Sox 8, Rays 7
Are We Teetering On The Edge Of Depression 2.0?
Containerboard makers falling hard
Eugene uke fest

National Boss Day

I learned a lot about my boss from the guys...Happy boss day!!
McCain fails, Obama is not rattled
'Over The Rainbow,' From Kansas To Oz
Are you rude? Take the test
How to Deal With Rude Comments at Work
生果金一律要查家產 已申領者不受影響 有望增至1000元
Fail, Pwn and Owned pics and vids

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Embarcadero Blues by Goh Nakamura

We never touch someone so lightly that you can't find a trace of that. -- Peggy Tabor Millin
Boeing Sells $8 Billion in 787s to American Airlines
GM to close stamping plant near Grand Rapids
So when I was in WI, I learned that NewPage Will Shut Kimberly, WI Coated Papers Mill
The economy is really the question is: How do I stay competitive within my industry? Is tissue my answer or an MBA?

Happy B-day, Todd!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Every artist was first an amateur." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sled dog show... my past time at Marriot!

The toughest race on earth Transport

Paper world

Transport Packaging: Stone-Age Solution, are you ready to make paper from stone?
This guy wrote in an article about how he will never buy a newspaper in his lifetime, so will his sons. OMG

Monday, October 13, 2008

Best Sex is Short and Sweet

WY-what else will they sell before the end of 2009? REIT Era is coming soon.

Weyerhaeuser plans to sell commercial construction business
Weyerhaeuser News Release, bye bye John P!

Side note:
Screaming for orders: Snowflake takes 8-day curtailment as market weakens
Curtailments, shutdowns are coming out left and right in N. America.. I can't keep up tracking. We were making paper for Jordan, Taiwan and Thailand last week.

It happens all the time around here....

"A problem is a chance for you to do your best." --Duke Ellington, American jazz composer

My feeling...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ft. Mac made the headline!

U.S. taps Canada's oil sands _ but at an environmental cost
Texas takes the top spot in AP poll & Beavs beat Cougars 66-13

American Cheese land, WI

Small town charm
Boringfish with ice-cream

Museum of modern art

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's a sticky business!

UW madison MBA beer kickball game 2 & tailgate

Go Bucky!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Land Sharks Won!


100種生活MVThanks, Lam.

Grandma Lunar B-day!

I am expecting pictures from Karen!

說好的 幸福呢

怎麼了 你累了 說好的 幸福呢 我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了

Thanks, Endora!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I miss them!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Tough times ahead...... waiting.. tissue? MBA?

nternational Paper Announces Paper Machine Shutdown
Today was the day. I am having very mixed feeling about the whole paper world.

SNL debate


Grandma is worry.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Go Sox.

BoringFish reporting from Sears Tower, Chicago

Grandma & Mikey B days