Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Seattle Climbs but Austin Sprawls: The Myth of the Return to Cities
W. Kamau Bell to white people: ‘Cape up, man. Do something’
Nearly 160 Tons Of Food Manufactured In Washington Prison Kitchen Recalled
Seattle is one of the country’s most civically engaged cities, divided by race and socioeconomic status
Chinese Student's Commencement Speech In U.S. Isn't Going Over Well In China, This is so George Orwell's 1984. I found the speech refreshing.. I believe she won't be able to make such a speech in China without the post being deleted in Social media and that the secret police would be at her house in 5 mins and would have placed her in jail as she is a threat to the people, the party and the country. Whether she is talking about the right to have clean air or the freedom of speech, censorship and salience dissenting is real in China, just look at the proof as the commenter questioned about the speech's lack of review and approval prior to the commencement is the perfect illustration that thought polices are deeply ingrained that People in China and their thoughts, actions and speeches have to be approved before being shared in public.
As Store Layoffs Mount, Retail Lags Other Sectors In Retraining Workers

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