Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Teresa Teng
What Makes a Parent? Gunn is insane.. she is bitter and now she wanted to steal a child that doesn't belong to her.
How a terminally ill mother came to a fatal decision for her mentally ill son, tragic.. and yet.. I don't have words to describe the emotional that overcome me after I finished reading the story. I do find it incredibly sad that the mother in the story found it justifiable in her mind to end the life of her son. It is not right. She is not saving the world from her son's future actions. She took her son's chance to live a life, happy or not. That is not right.
20 Brutally Honest Things Women Turning 40 Want All Women In Their 30s To Know
Pharrell To College Graduates: ‘We Need To Lift Up Our Women’
Mother, Wife, Slave
The Urban-Rural Divide in Interracial Marriage
What the Conversation Around Alex Tizon’s Atlantic Essay Is Missing
The Slavemaster’s Son. A response to Alex Tizon’s “My Family’s Slaves"

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