Thursday, May 04, 2017

Colbert Addresses #FireColbert Campaign, But Doesn't Apologize
50 Health Issues That Count as a Pre-existing Condition , the GOP death squad is firing
Here Is What's In The House-Approved Health Care Bill, you are screwed, if you are old and poor.
GOP lawmaker: those with pre-existing conditions may need to move
For The Deal-Making Trump, Compromise Seems To Be A Dirty Word
Trump's Messaging Keeps Friends Confused And Enemies More So
This is how Obamacare explodes, omg, if there is no health care provider.. this is just liked death.. so awful.
The 25 Safest Countries In The World USA is not even on the list... So I guess the president of USA is working on it, via ... what?
More Salt In School Lunch, Less Nutrition Info On Menus: Trump Rolls Back Food Rules
Why did Trump win?
CNN: Trump ending Michelle Obama's girls education program
Now we know Donald Trump’s plan to sell tax cuts for the rich "Lie aggressively, lie shamelessly, and lie repeatedly."
Donald Trump Taps Anti-Contraceptive Activist To Oversee Family Planning Program
Eight ways Trump got rolled in his first budget negotiation
Stephen Colbert makes Trump look foolish in an 'interview' with the president
CBS News' John Dickerson pressed Trump on his bogus wiretapping claims. Trump immediately ended the interview.

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