7 Things You Do Every Day That'll Make Your Baby Smarter Later In Life smarty or not, I will always love you.
Dear thirtysomething moms—I see you
To The Mom Struggling To Hold Her Sh*t Together
Parenting as a Process
Why Kids Benefit From Fewer Toys
What Kids Learn From Hearing Family Stories
The Single Most Important Parenting Action We Can Take Today I am posting it again.. pay attention, listen!
7 Things I Wish My Partner Had Said To Me Postpartum, Without Being Asked, you are joking, right? I don't remember hearing any of these.
Why You Should Stop Feeding Your Baby From Trendy Little Food Pouches
The Support of an Unexpected Samaritan when My Child Suffered a Public Meltdown, and How You Can Help Other Moms, Too
New Study Says Your Parents Should Be Asking to Babysit, personally.. i don't agree with the statement, esp. GKP is a toxic person.
“But let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”- Kahlil Gibran
Practicing The Subtle Art Of Detachment
In Japan, single mothers struggle with poverty and with shame.
5 Things You Do Every Day That'll Make Your Baby Kinder Later In Life
CELEBRATING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ASIAN AMERICANS AND PACIFIC ISLANDERS; I will teach my kiddo about diversity and his heritage.
This blog is a way for me to communicate with web browsing friends all over the world, and will serve as a virtual diary for me to share my perspective on the weird in the world.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Jared Kushner Once Allegedly Admitted That Donald Trump Lies to His Base Because He Thinks They’re Stupid
Illegal Border Crossings Are Down, And So Is Business For Smugglers
Trump expected to withdraw from Paris climate deal
Nordic leaders troll Trump orb photo
The Bullshitter-in-Chief
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler under fire after asking feds to revoke permit for pro-Trump rally
Mom of MAX attack victim to Trump: 'Take action' against hate
Trump Reportedly Wants to Stop Germans From Selling So Many Cars Here, Where They’re Made
Trump's ally-angering trip abroad, explained in 7 images
Boehner Says Apart From Foreign Policy, Trump Has Been 'A Complete Disaster'
Obama Photographer Expertly Trolls Donald Trump's NATO 'Shove'
Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop German Car Sales In The U.S.
As Trump Slams NATO Allies, Obama Defends 'International Order'
GOP senators urge Trump to make ‘clean exit’ from Paris Agreement
Illegal Border Crossings Are Down, And So Is Business For Smugglers
Trump expected to withdraw from Paris climate deal
Nordic leaders troll Trump orb photo
The Bullshitter-in-Chief
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler under fire after asking feds to revoke permit for pro-Trump rally
Mom of MAX attack victim to Trump: 'Take action' against hate
Trump Reportedly Wants to Stop Germans From Selling So Many Cars Here, Where They’re Made
Trump's ally-angering trip abroad, explained in 7 images
Boehner Says Apart From Foreign Policy, Trump Has Been 'A Complete Disaster'
Obama Photographer Expertly Trolls Donald Trump's NATO 'Shove'
Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop German Car Sales In The U.S.
As Trump Slams NATO Allies, Obama Defends 'International Order'
GOP senators urge Trump to make ‘clean exit’ from Paris Agreement
Misspellings, Mapped: America The How-Do-You-Spell-Beautiful?
Hillary Clinton Is Furious. And Resigned. And Funny. And Worried.
Israel’s economy is a study in contrasts
租屋被刁難 要求看存摺 居港印尼記者:香港人總是看不起人
Ron Wyden: A winning formula for all of Oregon (Guest opinion)
To reduce work stress, Japan firms turn to office cats, dogs and goats
Finnish Kids Don’t Learn To Read In Kindergarten. They Turn Out Great Anyway.
Italy’s Struggling Economy Has World’s Healthiest People
Hillary Clinton Is Furious. And Resigned. And Funny. And Worried.
Israel’s economy is a study in contrasts
租屋被刁難 要求看存摺 居港印尼記者:香港人總是看不起人
Ron Wyden: A winning formula for all of Oregon (Guest opinion)
To reduce work stress, Japan firms turn to office cats, dogs and goats
Finnish Kids Don’t Learn To Read In Kindergarten. They Turn Out Great Anyway.
Italy’s Struggling Economy Has World’s Healthiest People
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
What My Postnatal Depression Taught Me About Gender Roles RIGHT ON.
17 Memes You'll Understand If You're In A Healthy, Loving Relationship
20 Years Ago Barack Obama Perfectly Explained The Secret To A Lasting Relationship
You’re Not Going Crazy: 5 Sure Signs You’re Being Emotionally Abused
You can’t love too much: Attachment doesn’t slow growth, it fuels it
4 Parental Behaviors to Avoid
Beautiful Photos of Mammals Safely “Co-Sleeping” with Their Babies, As They’ve Done for Millions of Years
5 Language Learning Outdoor Activities For Your Children
10 Ways to Give Your Kid a 1970’s Kind of Summer
Things you CAN get done whilst co-napping., yup, this is me.
10 Tips For Not Raising An Asshole
'The Lovers' review: Marriage can be a many-splendored thing
17 Memes You'll Understand If You're In A Healthy, Loving Relationship
20 Years Ago Barack Obama Perfectly Explained The Secret To A Lasting Relationship
You’re Not Going Crazy: 5 Sure Signs You’re Being Emotionally Abused
You can’t love too much: Attachment doesn’t slow growth, it fuels it
4 Parental Behaviors to Avoid
Beautiful Photos of Mammals Safely “Co-Sleeping” with Their Babies, As They’ve Done for Millions of Years
5 Language Learning Outdoor Activities For Your Children
10 Ways to Give Your Kid a 1970’s Kind of Summer
Things you CAN get done whilst co-napping., yup, this is me.
10 Tips For Not Raising An Asshole
'The Lovers' review: Marriage can be a many-splendored thing
Best of what?,
Gabe did some of that.. still stinking irresistible kind of cuteness.
10 Little Things You Can Do to Be Healthier Than You Are Right Now
Do sociopaths, narcissists and mean people live happy lives?
What Nobody Tells You About the First 3 Months of Motherhood
Ex “Doesn’t Pay A Dime Through The State,” But Mom Defends Unconventional Family With Passionate Facebook Post. Truly, we need more kind human.
How What You Say and How You Say It May Affect Your Child’s Temperament
Self Esteem and Your Child’s Motivation
How a Parent’s Affection Shapes a Child’s Happiness for Life
Stay Single Until You Meet The Person Who Makes Love Easy
Why are so many women dropping out of the workforce?
College Mom: 10 Things I Taught My Kids in Kindergarten That Prepared Them for College
Want to Raise Successful Kids? Neuroscience Says Read to Them Like This (but Most Parents Don't)
Educational Malpractice – The Child Manufacturing Process
We’re Killing Our Kids And Calling It Love
Love Languages to Help Your Child Through Divorce
What Screen Time and Screen Media Do To Your Child’s Brain and Sensory Processing Ability
Dad, Your Cruel Criticisms Still Haunt Me
The Silent Tragedy Affecting Today’s Children
Astrology is fake, but Brad Pitt got owned by a gemini, this sad, funny, and not truthful at all..
Monday, May 29, 2017
Sunday, May 28, 2017
“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” –Stephen Covey
The Silent Tragedy Affecting Today’s Children
Should you avoid bathing or leaving the house after childbirth, as Chinese tradition dictates?
What It Means to Settle and Why You Shouldn’t Do It!
The ugly secret of working moms
To Be Surprised by Your Enemies, Stay Sturdy and Playful
Fathers' brains respond differently to daughters than sons
Narcissistic Family and Pseudomutuality
The gender wars of household chores: a feminist comic
3 Ways Single Moms Can Survive Financially
You Never Let Me Cry Crying is healthy.. we are good!
On The Days You Lose Your Sh*t I lost it today.. I felt the sadness and guilt to myself and to Gabe. But I also had learned a lesson.. We grew together and we draw the positivity of this experience.
How You Argue Could Make You Sick
3 Key Components to Building Your Healthy Self-Care Routine
Amazon’s first bookstore in New York City sucks the joy out of buying books
Digital Silence, and Its Impact on Relationships that was us, Mihai got really upset if he didn't get a response from me right at that second.. super silly to set such unrealistic expectation.
As Brains Mature, More Robust Information Networks Boost Self-Control
Me, Myself, and IKEA: What Our Love For Swedish Furniture Says About Narcissism
7 Things Your Husband Hates About You (Yes, Really)
The Reality of Having Two Under 2
Hey Mama, Please Never Forget That You Are Phenomenal (You Really Are)
Yep, I Call Myself a Married Single Mom
7 Reasons Your Wife Is Stressed Out All the Time
5 Choices You Will Regret Forever; don't live with regrets. Act, change, evolve, grow!
This is why bilingual is better
How to raise creative children
11 Signs Your Partner Is Actually Your Best Friend, Further Proving You're Meant To Be
The Roots of Childhood Aggression, and How to Handle Them With Compassion
A Standing Meditation for Self-Care
Effects Of Uninvolved Parenting On Kids
Ivanka’s Maternity Leave Plan Is A Cruel Joke
8 Things The Happiest Couples Do Before Bed
The Biggest Mistake in Modern Education?
12 Signs You Might Be A Badass Single Mom
This Mr. Rogers story will probably
When ‘Frumpy’ Goes Too Far: Don’t Neglect Yourselves, Mamas
The “mommy wars” aren’t real—but the attack on American women is
When Hiding in the Closet Is the Only Way to Connect With Your Spouse
Preschool, A State-By-State Update
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
The Real Reason Women's Careers Stall (Hint: It Has Nothing To Do With The Laundry)
With My Children, Learning to Love the Little Things
How childhood trauma can affect mental and physical health into adulthood
If Kindergarten Wasn’t So Much Like First Grade, We Wouldn’t Need To
‘Dear Men, Take The Photo’
How can you be sure the person you’re going to marry is the one?
What Children Overhear Matters Now More Than Ever
The Independent Mothers of Iceland
Google's CEO Doesn't Use Bullet Points and Neither Should You
Helen Mirren Zings Donald Trump In Most Badass Commencement Speech Of 2017
Self-Care is Not Taking a Shower
Want To Change Your Child? Start By Regulating Your Own Emotions
The moment this single mom found financial independence
Should you avoid bathing or leaving the house after childbirth, as Chinese tradition dictates?
What It Means to Settle and Why You Shouldn’t Do It!
The ugly secret of working moms
To Be Surprised by Your Enemies, Stay Sturdy and Playful
Fathers' brains respond differently to daughters than sons
Narcissistic Family and Pseudomutuality
The gender wars of household chores: a feminist comic
3 Ways Single Moms Can Survive Financially
You Never Let Me Cry Crying is healthy.. we are good!
On The Days You Lose Your Sh*t I lost it today.. I felt the sadness and guilt to myself and to Gabe. But I also had learned a lesson.. We grew together and we draw the positivity of this experience.
How You Argue Could Make You Sick
3 Key Components to Building Your Healthy Self-Care Routine
Amazon’s first bookstore in New York City sucks the joy out of buying books
Digital Silence, and Its Impact on Relationships that was us, Mihai got really upset if he didn't get a response from me right at that second.. super silly to set such unrealistic expectation.
As Brains Mature, More Robust Information Networks Boost Self-Control
Me, Myself, and IKEA: What Our Love For Swedish Furniture Says About Narcissism
7 Things Your Husband Hates About You (Yes, Really)
The Reality of Having Two Under 2
Hey Mama, Please Never Forget That You Are Phenomenal (You Really Are)
Yep, I Call Myself a Married Single Mom
7 Reasons Your Wife Is Stressed Out All the Time
5 Choices You Will Regret Forever; don't live with regrets. Act, change, evolve, grow!
This is why bilingual is better
How to raise creative children
11 Signs Your Partner Is Actually Your Best Friend, Further Proving You're Meant To Be
The Roots of Childhood Aggression, and How to Handle Them With Compassion
A Standing Meditation for Self-Care
Effects Of Uninvolved Parenting On Kids
Ivanka’s Maternity Leave Plan Is A Cruel Joke
8 Things The Happiest Couples Do Before Bed
The Biggest Mistake in Modern Education?
12 Signs You Might Be A Badass Single Mom
This Mr. Rogers story will probably
When ‘Frumpy’ Goes Too Far: Don’t Neglect Yourselves, Mamas
The “mommy wars” aren’t real—but the attack on American women is
When Hiding in the Closet Is the Only Way to Connect With Your Spouse
Preschool, A State-By-State Update
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
The Real Reason Women's Careers Stall (Hint: It Has Nothing To Do With The Laundry)
With My Children, Learning to Love the Little Things
How childhood trauma can affect mental and physical health into adulthood
If Kindergarten Wasn’t So Much Like First Grade, We Wouldn’t Need To
‘Dear Men, Take The Photo’
How can you be sure the person you’re going to marry is the one?
What Children Overhear Matters Now More Than Ever
The Independent Mothers of Iceland
Google's CEO Doesn't Use Bullet Points and Neither Should You
Helen Mirren Zings Donald Trump In Most Badass Commencement Speech Of 2017
Self-Care is Not Taking a Shower
Want To Change Your Child? Start By Regulating Your Own Emotions
The moment this single mom found financial independence
Why Pretending You Don’t See Race or Gender Is an Obstacle to Equality
Photos Of Pope Francis Meeting Trump Are Too Good To Miss
Did the Pope Fat-Shame Donald Trump? Melania Laughs at President's Weight With Francis, I like the humorous side of the Pope
Oregon Rep. Greg Walden votes against LGBT protections
Why we took a stand on Trump
Rutger Bregman: Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash
His Holiness Pope Francis: Why the only future worth building includes everyone
Photos Of Pope Francis Meeting Trump Are Too Good To Miss
Did the Pope Fat-Shame Donald Trump? Melania Laughs at President's Weight With Francis, I like the humorous side of the Pope
Oregon Rep. Greg Walden votes against LGBT protections
Why we took a stand on Trump
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
Running a Pre-K Program Is Hard. So Why Do Some States Require Almost No Qualifications?
We Pay Low Prices For Chinese Food Because Of Racial Biases About ‘Cheap’ Labor
California grid sets record, with 67% of power from renewables
Jobless rate at lowest level seen in almost 18 years
Eating Chocolate, A Little Each Week, May Lower The Risk Of A Heart Flutter
If Kindergarten Wasn’t So Much Like First Grade, We Wouldn’t Need To Delay It
We Pay Low Prices For Chinese Food Because Of Racial Biases About ‘Cheap’ Labor
California grid sets record, with 67% of power from renewables
Jobless rate at lowest level seen in almost 18 years
Eating Chocolate, A Little Each Week, May Lower The Risk Of A Heart Flutter
If Kindergarten Wasn’t So Much Like First Grade, We Wouldn’t Need To Delay It
Los Angeles,
Tourism numbers down during Donald Trump's tenure; it would make sense. I think Europe & Australia will benefit the most from tourism from Asian & Middle Eastern tourists
Take These Students, Please
Africa is not poor, we are stealing its wealth, it's the imperialism and the colonialism with exploitation.
Preschool, A State-By-State Update
24 Million Children At Risk In Mideast Conflicts, Says UNICEF
Why Colleges Already Face Race-Related Challenges In Serving Future Students
Taiwan becomes first nation in Asia to recognize same-sex marriage Hurry to equality!
Child poverty in the US is a disgrace. Experts are embracing this simple plan to cut it.
The lessons of violence and inequality through the ages
Take These Students, Please
Africa is not poor, we are stealing its wealth, it's the imperialism and the colonialism with exploitation.
Preschool, A State-By-State Update
24 Million Children At Risk In Mideast Conflicts, Says UNICEF
Why Colleges Already Face Race-Related Challenges In Serving Future Students
Taiwan becomes first nation in Asia to recognize same-sex marriage Hurry to equality!
Child poverty in the US is a disgrace. Experts are embracing this simple plan to cut it.
The lessons of violence and inequality through the ages
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Trump's Proposed Budget Would Cut $2.2 Billion From Global Health Spending
Ben Carson Says Poverty Is Largely ‘a State of Mind’
The most devastating paragraph in the CBO report
Appeals Court Slaps Down Donald Trump's Travel Ban Yet Again
Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work
Patient, Doctor Groups Say New CBO Score Reveals Health Care Bill's Flaws
President Trump's Big Wall Is Now Just 74 Miles Long In His Budget Plan; what a beautiful 74 miles long wall.
GOP Health Plan Would Leave 23 Million More Uninsured, Budget Office Says
Betsy Devos Says Discrimination Against LGBT Students Is OK Because, School Choice
The GOP healthcare plan is an absurd distraction
Why schools are worried about Medicaid cuts hurting special education
Here's What Betsy DeVos Said Today On Capitol Hill
Trump Budget's Paid Parental Leave Plan Could Mean Higher State Taxes
Congress and Farmers Are Shocked By Proposed USDA Cuts
Unusual place for a President's family on a foreign trip
GOP Bill Could Undercut Some Coverage In Job-Based Insurance
Trump Budget Deals 'Devastating Blow' To Low-Income Americans, Advocates Say
Trump Budget Plan Relies On Optimistic Growth Assumptions, Analysts Say
Medical Research, Health Care Face Deep Cuts In Trump Budget
President Trump's Budget Proposal Calls For Deep Cuts To Education
Compare the notes Trump and Obama left at Israel’s Holocaust memorial
Trump's 2018 Budget Cuts Funding For Cancer, Mental Health, and HIV Research
Ex-CIA chief John Brennan: Russians contacted Trump campaign
The Obstruction of Justice Case Against the Trump White House Just Got a Lot Stronger
Ivanka’s Maternity Leave Plan Is A Cruel Joke
New Orleans Mayor Denounces Confederate Nostalgia in Stirring Speech Defending Monument Removal
Ben Carson Says Poverty Is Largely ‘a State of Mind’
The most devastating paragraph in the CBO report
Appeals Court Slaps Down Donald Trump's Travel Ban Yet Again
Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work
Patient, Doctor Groups Say New CBO Score Reveals Health Care Bill's Flaws
President Trump's Big Wall Is Now Just 74 Miles Long In His Budget Plan; what a beautiful 74 miles long wall.
GOP Health Plan Would Leave 23 Million More Uninsured, Budget Office Says
Betsy Devos Says Discrimination Against LGBT Students Is OK Because, School Choice
The GOP healthcare plan is an absurd distraction
Why schools are worried about Medicaid cuts hurting special education
Here's What Betsy DeVos Said Today On Capitol Hill
Trump Budget's Paid Parental Leave Plan Could Mean Higher State Taxes
Congress and Farmers Are Shocked By Proposed USDA Cuts
Unusual place for a President's family on a foreign trip
GOP Bill Could Undercut Some Coverage In Job-Based Insurance
Trump Budget Deals 'Devastating Blow' To Low-Income Americans, Advocates Say
Trump Budget Plan Relies On Optimistic Growth Assumptions, Analysts Say
Medical Research, Health Care Face Deep Cuts In Trump Budget
President Trump's Budget Proposal Calls For Deep Cuts To Education
Compare the notes Trump and Obama left at Israel’s Holocaust memorial
Trump's 2018 Budget Cuts Funding For Cancer, Mental Health, and HIV Research
Ex-CIA chief John Brennan: Russians contacted Trump campaign
The Obstruction of Justice Case Against the Trump White House Just Got a Lot Stronger
Ivanka’s Maternity Leave Plan Is A Cruel Joke
New Orleans Mayor Denounces Confederate Nostalgia in Stirring Speech Defending Monument Removal
Meet the Frugal Millennials Planning for Decades of Retirement
Two Beds and the Burdens of Feminism
10 Cities Americans Are Moving To Right Now, so surpriise about TX.. and yup Portland is listed as #10... and yes the median home price compared to other cities on the list is higher... how on earth of all these out of town-ers can purchase is beyond me
(Alternatives To) White-Owned Appropriative Restaurants in Portland
A Publisher Tries Podcasts As A Gateway To Audiobooks
America's best burger? Apparently, it's right here in Portland
12 Wonders of Portland Food
Two Beds and the Burdens of Feminism
10 Cities Americans Are Moving To Right Now, so surpriise about TX.. and yup Portland is listed as #10... and yes the median home price compared to other cities on the list is higher... how on earth of all these out of town-ers can purchase is beyond me
(Alternatives To) White-Owned Appropriative Restaurants in Portland
A Publisher Tries Podcasts As A Gateway To Audiobooks
America's best burger? Apparently, it's right here in Portland
12 Wonders of Portland Food
Best of what?,
They say when you really love someone, you should be willing to set them free. So that is what I am doing. I will step back and you will move on. I will let you go….Your happiness means everything to me. I will listen for your voice in the distance. I will look at the moon. I will keep you in my pocket. I will carry your smile with me everywhere, like a warm and comforting glow. —Tabitha Suzuma
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Smile 笑一笑 世界更美妙
Smile..not because you need to. but because you can. Be generous.. not because you need to. but because you can. Be inclusive.. not because you need to. but because you can. There are many things you don't need to. But if you can, and it helps someone. Why not? - Bryan Skavnak
You are not disposable, and neither are your colleagues
My Mother-In-Law Hated Me After I Had A Kid, it was before, during and after situation for me.
Parents should stop Fakebooking and show the reality of life with kids instead
instagram is the worst app for your mental health
9 LITTLE habits you didn't realize could be signs of anxietyso glad those little habits are not running my life.. my life is happy with Gabe, our smiles rule!
Luv u l8r
“Nobody will love you until you love yourself” is baloney, says the Dalai Lama. Do this instead.
Just 6 Seconds of Mindfulness Can Make You More Effective 'To feel regretful, you need to be in the past; to worry, you need to be in the future. Hence, when you are fully in the present, you are temporarily free from regret and worry. That’s like releasing a heavy burden for the duration of one breath, allowing the body and mind a precious opportunity for rest and recovery.'
We Aren’t Built to Live in the Moment
How does Personality Factors work ?
8 surprising rules about flying with children that every parent should know
8 Small Things People Use to Judge Your Personality
Don’t Forget These 10 Project Management Best Practices
Who owns the space between reclining airline seats?
My Mother-In-Law Hated Me After I Had A Kid, it was before, during and after situation for me.
Parents should stop Fakebooking and show the reality of life with kids instead
instagram is the worst app for your mental health
9 LITTLE habits you didn't realize could be signs of anxietyso glad those little habits are not running my life.. my life is happy with Gabe, our smiles rule!
Luv u l8r
“Nobody will love you until you love yourself” is baloney, says the Dalai Lama. Do this instead.
Just 6 Seconds of Mindfulness Can Make You More Effective 'To feel regretful, you need to be in the past; to worry, you need to be in the future. Hence, when you are fully in the present, you are temporarily free from regret and worry. That’s like releasing a heavy burden for the duration of one breath, allowing the body and mind a precious opportunity for rest and recovery.'
We Aren’t Built to Live in the Moment
How does Personality Factors work ?
8 surprising rules about flying with children that every parent should know
8 Small Things People Use to Judge Your Personality
Don’t Forget These 10 Project Management Best Practices
Who owns the space between reclining airline seats?
Best of what?,
Social Media,
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” -– Ludwig Wittgenstein
This Mr. Rogers story will probably make you cry
5 Reasons You Should Teach Your Child Another Language
4 Things Worse Than Not Learning To Read In Kindergarten
Daddy Jekyll, Daddy Hyde: Transforming patterns of verbal abuse for the sake of our children
6 Ways to Stop Worrying About Things You Can't Control
Why Does My Baby Hate Their Crib? Science Has An Explanation
10 True Gifts of Love
If Kindergarten Wasn’t So Much Like First Grade, We Wouldn’t Need To Delay It
Richard Branson's top 10 quotes on making it happen
10 Graduation Speeches That Will Inspire You, No Matter How Old You Are
Study Finds 20 Percent Of Children Killed In Car Crashes Were Improperly Restrained
How to Raise Creative Children
Arts education is vital to help foster creativity and innovation
Effects Of Uninvolved Parenting On Kids, if they are toxic, I rather not.
The Car Seat Mistake You Might Not Realize You’re Making
How does your body process medicine? - Céline Valéry
The Biggest Mistake in Modern Education?
This is why bilingual is better
5 Reasons You Should Teach Your Child Another Language
4 Things Worse Than Not Learning To Read In Kindergarten
Daddy Jekyll, Daddy Hyde: Transforming patterns of verbal abuse for the sake of our children
6 Ways to Stop Worrying About Things You Can't Control
Why Does My Baby Hate Their Crib? Science Has An Explanation
10 True Gifts of Love
If Kindergarten Wasn’t So Much Like First Grade, We Wouldn’t Need To Delay It
Richard Branson's top 10 quotes on making it happen
10 Graduation Speeches That Will Inspire You, No Matter How Old You Are
Study Finds 20 Percent Of Children Killed In Car Crashes Were Improperly Restrained
How to Raise Creative Children
Arts education is vital to help foster creativity and innovation
Effects Of Uninvolved Parenting On Kids, if they are toxic, I rather not.
The Car Seat Mistake You Might Not Realize You’re Making
How does your body process medicine? - Céline Valéry
The Biggest Mistake in Modern Education?
This is why bilingual is better
Seattle Climbs but Austin Sprawls: The Myth of the Return to Cities
W. Kamau Bell to white people: ‘Cape up, man. Do something’
Nearly 160 Tons Of Food Manufactured In Washington Prison Kitchen Recalled
Seattle is one of the country’s most civically engaged cities, divided by race and socioeconomic status
Chinese Student's Commencement Speech In U.S. Isn't Going Over Well In China, This is so George Orwell's 1984. I found the speech refreshing.. I believe she won't be able to make such a speech in China without the post being deleted in Social media and that the secret police would be at her house in 5 mins and would have placed her in jail as she is a threat to the people, the party and the country. Whether she is talking about the right to have clean air or the freedom of speech, censorship and salience dissenting is real in China, just look at the proof as the commenter questioned about the speech's lack of review and approval prior to the commencement is the perfect illustration that thought polices are deeply ingrained that People in China and their thoughts, actions and speeches have to be approved before being shared in public.
As Store Layoffs Mount, Retail Lags Other Sectors In Retraining Workers
W. Kamau Bell to white people: ‘Cape up, man. Do something’
Nearly 160 Tons Of Food Manufactured In Washington Prison Kitchen Recalled
Seattle is one of the country’s most civically engaged cities, divided by race and socioeconomic status
Chinese Student's Commencement Speech In U.S. Isn't Going Over Well In China, This is so George Orwell's 1984. I found the speech refreshing.. I believe she won't be able to make such a speech in China without the post being deleted in Social media and that the secret police would be at her house in 5 mins and would have placed her in jail as she is a threat to the people, the party and the country. Whether she is talking about the right to have clean air or the freedom of speech, censorship and salience dissenting is real in China, just look at the proof as the commenter questioned about the speech's lack of review and approval prior to the commencement is the perfect illustration that thought polices are deeply ingrained that People in China and their thoughts, actions and speeches have to be approved before being shared in public.
As Store Layoffs Mount, Retail Lags Other Sectors In Retraining Workers
9 Simple Money Moves You Should Make This Week
Sushi's Secret: Why We Get Hooked On Raw Fish As popularity of sushi continues to surpass supply.. we will run out of fish someday soon.. be conscientious when we eat this delicious food.
Trump proposes selling Northwest's transmission grid
If Raw Fruits Or Veggies Give You A Tingly Mouth, It's A Real Syndrome, yes that is me!
In Some Rural Counties, Hunger Is Rising, But Food Donations Aren't We are hungrier as a country, we need to battle food waste and sustainable living.
A Simple Way to Cut Down on Impulse Purchases at the Grocery Store …
These Reactions To The Ariana Grande Concert Attacks Show Exactly How Little Women & Girls Are Valued, there are many heartless people in this world..
Pregnant Comedian Responds To Annoying Comments In Hilarious Twitter Rant, oh boy, I said some of those things sometimes..
18 Foods That You Should Eat When You Can’t Poop, so fat, not a problem.. but it may be handy down the road.
The Definitive Superfood Ranking
Science Has Begun Taking Gluten Seriously
Sushi's Secret: Why We Get Hooked On Raw Fish As popularity of sushi continues to surpass supply.. we will run out of fish someday soon.. be conscientious when we eat this delicious food.
Trump proposes selling Northwest's transmission grid
If Raw Fruits Or Veggies Give You A Tingly Mouth, It's A Real Syndrome, yes that is me!
In Some Rural Counties, Hunger Is Rising, But Food Donations Aren't We are hungrier as a country, we need to battle food waste and sustainable living.
A Simple Way to Cut Down on Impulse Purchases at the Grocery Store …
These Reactions To The Ariana Grande Concert Attacks Show Exactly How Little Women & Girls Are Valued, there are many heartless people in this world..
Pregnant Comedian Responds To Annoying Comments In Hilarious Twitter Rant, oh boy, I said some of those things sometimes..
18 Foods That You Should Eat When You Can’t Poop, so fat, not a problem.. but it may be handy down the road.
The Definitive Superfood Ranking
Science Has Begun Taking Gluten Seriously
Best of what?,
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Motherhood...Thank you... I am a happy woman because I am Gabe's mother. I count my blessing everyday and thank you.
I Am A Mom With Almost No Social Life, And I Like It This Way
Child Therapist Gives Gorgeous Explanation Of What Good Parenting Looks Like "Babies cry, it's how they communicate. Toddlers scream, children whinge and teenagers complain. Then mums say the words 'for fuck sake under their breath before every responding. It's how we communicate. But guess what Con? It's better then silence. A house full of screaming kids and fighting teenagers and a parent who's being thrown every question and request is a healthy one to me. It's the silent children, the scared toddlers, the teenagers that don't come home and the parents who aren't in communication with their children that I worry about. And kids don't drive you crazy, you were crazy already. That's why you had them."
11 Signs Your Partner Is Actually Your Best Friend, Further Proving You're Meant To Be, sadly #11 will never happen in my life if I am with you. Good luck to you.
12 Signs You Might Be A Badass Single MomThe simple action you can take right now to change your life. All you need is a pen.
12 Signs You Might Be A Badass Single Mom
A Standing Meditation for Self-Care
The Roots of Childhood Aggression, and How to Handle Them With Compassion Connection, connection, connection :)
8 Things The Happiest Couples Do Before Bed
Too-Real Cartoons Capture The ‘Weird,’ Gross Sides Of Motherhood, so true, so real, so raw.. yet.. there were no sympathy or empathy from a narcissist.. instead he just calls me crazy..
Sleep in a bed, order lobster to your tent when you ‘glamp’ in Maine, I can dream.. :)
Here's Why It Feels Like You Have No Free Time, In One Chart
Men And Women — We Are So Different, some of these are silly, but yet quite true.
It made me into a person with a mission; readers react to motherhood
You don’t HAVE TO do anything. Really.
What Mothers Need to Succeed
Teaching Kids To Give Back: 5 Easy Ways To Volunteer As A Family
Giving 101: The Princeton Class That Teaches Students to Be Less Selfish
Child Therapist Gives Gorgeous Explanation Of What Good Parenting Looks Like "Babies cry, it's how they communicate. Toddlers scream, children whinge and teenagers complain. Then mums say the words 'for fuck sake under their breath before every responding. It's how we communicate. But guess what Con? It's better then silence. A house full of screaming kids and fighting teenagers and a parent who's being thrown every question and request is a healthy one to me. It's the silent children, the scared toddlers, the teenagers that don't come home and the parents who aren't in communication with their children that I worry about. And kids don't drive you crazy, you were crazy already. That's why you had them."
11 Signs Your Partner Is Actually Your Best Friend, Further Proving You're Meant To Be, sadly #11 will never happen in my life if I am with you. Good luck to you.
12 Signs You Might Be A Badass Single MomThe simple action you can take right now to change your life. All you need is a pen.
12 Signs You Might Be A Badass Single Mom
A Standing Meditation for Self-Care
The Roots of Childhood Aggression, and How to Handle Them With Compassion Connection, connection, connection :)
8 Things The Happiest Couples Do Before Bed
Too-Real Cartoons Capture The ‘Weird,’ Gross Sides Of Motherhood, so true, so real, so raw.. yet.. there were no sympathy or empathy from a narcissist.. instead he just calls me crazy..
Sleep in a bed, order lobster to your tent when you ‘glamp’ in Maine, I can dream.. :)
Here's Why It Feels Like You Have No Free Time, In One Chart
Men And Women — We Are So Different, some of these are silly, but yet quite true.
It made me into a person with a mission; readers react to motherhood
You don’t HAVE TO do anything. Really.
What Mothers Need to Succeed
Teaching Kids To Give Back: 5 Easy Ways To Volunteer As A Family
Giving 101: The Princeton Class That Teaches Students to Be Less Selfish
Trump hypocrisy continues at-home-and-abroad
Trump Budget Based on $2 Trillion Math Error
The trillions in shocking cuts in Donald Trump's budget, explained
Clarence Thomas Joins Liberals, Shocks World
Trump’s Budget Is an Aristocratic Con/
Texas Passes Bill To Prevent Non-Christians From Adopting Kids
White house moves to block ethnic inquiry to ex-lobbyist on payroll
Stephen Colbert Lists Why Robert Mueller Is Donald Trump’s ‘Worst Nightmare’
Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation
Israeli Intelligence Furious Over Trump’s Loose Lips
Watch Netanyahu's face while Trump says he never mentioned “Israel” to the Russians
Billy Bush regrets that 'Access Hollywood' tape, especially his daughter's reaction to it
Watch Trump’s Awkward Dance Moves in Saudi Arabia
Why evangelicals love Donald Trump
‘The Daily’: Comey Under Oath
Trump’s bizarre and un-American visit to Saudi Arabia
While You Weren’t Looking, Trump Basically Killed Dodd-Frank
Comey ‘disgusted’ by Trump hug, considered White House ‘not honorable,’ friend says
Donald Trump May Be Causing Problems For Disney World
Watch The Russians Laugh At Trump In This Video Clip
Trump Budget Based on $2 Trillion Math Error
The trillions in shocking cuts in Donald Trump's budget, explained
Clarence Thomas Joins Liberals, Shocks World
Trump’s Budget Is an Aristocratic Con/
Texas Passes Bill To Prevent Non-Christians From Adopting Kids
White house moves to block ethnic inquiry to ex-lobbyist on payroll
Stephen Colbert Lists Why Robert Mueller Is Donald Trump’s ‘Worst Nightmare’
Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation
Israeli Intelligence Furious Over Trump’s Loose Lips
Watch Netanyahu's face while Trump says he never mentioned “Israel” to the Russians
Billy Bush regrets that 'Access Hollywood' tape, especially his daughter's reaction to it
Watch Trump’s Awkward Dance Moves in Saudi Arabia
Why evangelicals love Donald Trump
‘The Daily’: Comey Under Oath
Trump’s bizarre and un-American visit to Saudi Arabia
While You Weren’t Looking, Trump Basically Killed Dodd-Frank
Comey ‘disgusted’ by Trump hug, considered White House ‘not honorable,’ friend says
Donald Trump May Be Causing Problems For Disney World
Watch The Russians Laugh At Trump In This Video Clip
Teresa Teng
What Makes a Parent? Gunn is insane.. she is bitter and now she wanted to steal a child that doesn't belong to her.
How a terminally ill mother came to a fatal decision for her mentally ill son, tragic.. and yet.. I don't have words to describe the emotional that overcome me after I finished reading the story. I do find it incredibly sad that the mother in the story found it justifiable in her mind to end the life of her son. It is not right. She is not saving the world from her son's future actions. She took her son's chance to live a life, happy or not. That is not right.
20 Brutally Honest Things Women Turning 40 Want All Women In Their 30s To Know
Pharrell To College Graduates: ‘We Need To Lift Up Our Women’
Mother, Wife, Slave
The Urban-Rural Divide in Interracial Marriage
What the Conversation Around Alex Tizon’s Atlantic Essay Is Missing
The Slavemaster’s Son. A response to Alex Tizon’s “My Family’s Slaves"
What Makes a Parent? Gunn is insane.. she is bitter and now she wanted to steal a child that doesn't belong to her.
How a terminally ill mother came to a fatal decision for her mentally ill son, tragic.. and yet.. I don't have words to describe the emotional that overcome me after I finished reading the story. I do find it incredibly sad that the mother in the story found it justifiable in her mind to end the life of her son. It is not right. She is not saving the world from her son's future actions. She took her son's chance to live a life, happy or not. That is not right.
20 Brutally Honest Things Women Turning 40 Want All Women In Their 30s To Know
Pharrell To College Graduates: ‘We Need To Lift Up Our Women’
Mother, Wife, Slave
The Urban-Rural Divide in Interracial Marriage
What the Conversation Around Alex Tizon’s Atlantic Essay Is Missing
The Slavemaster’s Son. A response to Alex Tizon’s “My Family’s Slaves"
The difference between a good day and a bad day is a lot more complex than some sanctimonious quote on the internet. - Veronica Dearly.
Social Media
Thoughts of the 20 years- DAS
As I saw a glimpse of the Diana show last night, I realized that I have known you for 20 years. Happy friendship anniversary. Ranges of emotion has rushed in as I reflected on the history that we had. Thank you for being there for me and had provided me the unconditional love and support. May you continue to live your dream.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Psychologists have great news for people who worry a lot
The Only Thing I Didn't Give My Kids Is the One Thing They Needed the Most
Hilarious Video Basically Nails What It’s Like To Live With A Toddler
Dear husband: Let’s not wait until the kids are grown to make time for us, WELL, IF THE OTHER PERSON IS NOT MATURE ENOUGH TO HANDLE CRYING FROM MAMA AND BABY, YOU ARE DOOMED.
I Don’t Think We Are Meant To Parent For This Many Hours, Alone
WHY CHILDREN FIDGET: And what we can do about it
Are All Mental Illnesses Related?
What Should A 4-Year-Old Know? I saw this but we are not there yet.. I think Gabe knows what the 2-3 should know.. having fun!
According to Harvard Psychologist: Parents who raise good kids do these 5 things
How to Master Your Emotions
How People Decide Whether to Have Children
Five Issues YOU might have to overcome before choosing not to circumcise your son... This is deeply personal, and till this day, I still have guilt and mixed feeling about allowing the father of my child to influence me to have this procedure done to Gabriel.. something, I don't really see the reason or logic behind it.. is there a real medical benefit?
The decade of the brain
10 Biggest Discipline Mistakes You're Probably Making
There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Do Empathy
8 Healthy Habits Of Couples Who Attend Marriage Therapy
The 'untranslatable' emotion
Urban Activities So Energy-Sucking Your Kids Will Be Begging For a Nap
10 Hilarious ‘Kid Logic’ Examples That Left Their Parents in Stitches
7 Kid Battles We Just Can’t Fight Anymore, I am pretty happy with those battles.. they are not even an issue.. the sleeping part is hard
One Woman Explains How Taking Care Of Herself Made Her A Better Mom
Dear Family, Find Your Own Sh*t
3 Reasons Kids Should Never Open Up Gifts During Their Birthday Party
Fake Crying and Manipulation
I Thought My Kid Didn’t Need Preschool. I Was Wrong.
The Ultimate Bedtime Routine for Young Children
I Refuse To Tolerate Backtalk, And My Children Know It, this is very interesting.. this is just the beginning..
11 Sentences That Will Change Your Child’s Life
10 habits to shape a kind, well-adjusted child
6 Things I Stopped Fighting My Kids On, Because They Literally Don’t Matter; I am pretty strict on screen times, other than that, let them be kids
My Partner Was Suffering from Postpartum Depression, and I Wish I Had Done More to Help, this makes me laugh so hard in my own dealing with unloving human being. I was just sick to my stomach when I think about he was treating in my time of need of love and care. He betrayed my love and my trust.
The Darkest Truth About Love
I Was Shutting My Husband Out of Raising Our Kid "maternal gatekeeping", I am not sure if I believe that. I actively engaged him in my learning and decision making process about parenthood and he didn't want to have I before our separation, he is too absorbed and busy to pay attention because I was just bothering him. Post separation, now he with losing the "control", now he wants to make decisions, and they are bad decisions. How 4 Words Changed The Way I Talk to My Kids (And Everyone Else Too) BUT VS. at the same time.. love it.
Strong-Willed Women Mothering Strong-Willed Children , it may not be true, I see how one guy will his every moves to his mother's every wish...
When the Body Attacks the Mind
The moment with my son I'll never get back, yes those moments were precious, time goes and you don't get it back.. so live it fully and purposely and intensely.
Children need microbes — not antibiotics — to develop immunity, scientists say
The Only Thing I Didn't Give My Kids Is the One Thing They Needed the Most
Hilarious Video Basically Nails What It’s Like To Live With A Toddler
Dear husband: Let’s not wait until the kids are grown to make time for us, WELL, IF THE OTHER PERSON IS NOT MATURE ENOUGH TO HANDLE CRYING FROM MAMA AND BABY, YOU ARE DOOMED.
I Don’t Think We Are Meant To Parent For This Many Hours, Alone
WHY CHILDREN FIDGET: And what we can do about it
Are All Mental Illnesses Related?
What Should A 4-Year-Old Know? I saw this but we are not there yet.. I think Gabe knows what the 2-3 should know.. having fun!
According to Harvard Psychologist: Parents who raise good kids do these 5 things
How to Master Your Emotions
How People Decide Whether to Have Children
Five Issues YOU might have to overcome before choosing not to circumcise your son... This is deeply personal, and till this day, I still have guilt and mixed feeling about allowing the father of my child to influence me to have this procedure done to Gabriel.. something, I don't really see the reason or logic behind it.. is there a real medical benefit?
The decade of the brain
10 Biggest Discipline Mistakes You're Probably Making
There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Do Empathy
8 Healthy Habits Of Couples Who Attend Marriage Therapy
The 'untranslatable' emotion
Urban Activities So Energy-Sucking Your Kids Will Be Begging For a Nap
10 Hilarious ‘Kid Logic’ Examples That Left Their Parents in Stitches
7 Kid Battles We Just Can’t Fight Anymore, I am pretty happy with those battles.. they are not even an issue.. the sleeping part is hard
One Woman Explains How Taking Care Of Herself Made Her A Better Mom
Dear Family, Find Your Own Sh*t
3 Reasons Kids Should Never Open Up Gifts During Their Birthday Party
Fake Crying and Manipulation
I Thought My Kid Didn’t Need Preschool. I Was Wrong.
The Ultimate Bedtime Routine for Young Children
I Refuse To Tolerate Backtalk, And My Children Know It, this is very interesting.. this is just the beginning..
11 Sentences That Will Change Your Child’s Life
10 habits to shape a kind, well-adjusted child
6 Things I Stopped Fighting My Kids On, Because They Literally Don’t Matter; I am pretty strict on screen times, other than that, let them be kids
My Partner Was Suffering from Postpartum Depression, and I Wish I Had Done More to Help, this makes me laugh so hard in my own dealing with unloving human being. I was just sick to my stomach when I think about he was treating in my time of need of love and care. He betrayed my love and my trust.
The Darkest Truth About Love
I Was Shutting My Husband Out of Raising Our Kid "maternal gatekeeping", I am not sure if I believe that. I actively engaged him in my learning and decision making process about parenthood and he didn't want to have I before our separation, he is too absorbed and busy to pay attention because I was just bothering him. Post separation, now he with losing the "control", now he wants to make decisions, and they are bad decisions. How 4 Words Changed The Way I Talk to My Kids (And Everyone Else Too) BUT VS. at the same time.. love it.
Strong-Willed Women Mothering Strong-Willed Children , it may not be true, I see how one guy will his every moves to his mother's every wish...
When the Body Attacks the Mind
The moment with my son I'll never get back, yes those moments were precious, time goes and you don't get it back.. so live it fully and purposely and intensely.
Children need microbes — not antibiotics — to develop immunity, scientists say
To understand suburban poverty, come to South King County
The Trouble with Medical "Voluntourism"
Seattle ranks 4th in fitness behind Minneapolis, D.C. and San Francisco
This map shows what white Europeans associate with race—and it makes for uncomfortable reading
How Oregon Is Trying To Fix Its Chronic Disease Crisis
Retailers in Romania must donate food three days before it expires
What is China’s belt and road initiative?
The Trouble with Medical "Voluntourism"
Seattle ranks 4th in fitness behind Minneapolis, D.C. and San Francisco
This map shows what white Europeans associate with race—and it makes for uncomfortable reading
How Oregon Is Trying To Fix Its Chronic Disease Crisis
Retailers in Romania must donate food three days before it expires
What is China’s belt and road initiative?
Jamie Oliver: Axing free school meals a disgrace
Child anxiety and parenting in the Trump era
Huge financial, emotional toll settling family disputes in court
Social Media Ramps Up in Family Court - Immunity War for Judges, Lawyers, Custody Experts, CPAs and CPS Workers FASCINATING, just wow, modern day drama in the family court system.
Instagram 'worst for young mental health'
Be a Role Model for Your Kids: Find a Healthy Balance With Media and Tech, I still have room to be better as a role model.
Why Israel needs a Palestinian state
What Europeans think of each other
23 Times Tina Fey Hilariously Summed Up Parenting
Is 'Internet Addiction' Real?, I wonder about that too, I think as a society, we are definitely addicted to screen time.
Child anxiety and parenting in the Trump era
Huge financial, emotional toll settling family disputes in court
Social Media Ramps Up in Family Court - Immunity War for Judges, Lawyers, Custody Experts, CPAs and CPS Workers FASCINATING, just wow, modern day drama in the family court system.
Instagram 'worst for young mental health'
Be a Role Model for Your Kids: Find a Healthy Balance With Media and Tech, I still have room to be better as a role model.
Why Israel needs a Palestinian state
What Europeans think of each other
23 Times Tina Fey Hilariously Summed Up Parenting
Is 'Internet Addiction' Real?, I wonder about that too, I think as a society, we are definitely addicted to screen time.
8 Ways Maintaining Your Marriage After A Baby Is Harder Than Caring For A New Human
10 Things My Partner Can't Understand About Pregnancy & Losing My Bodily Autonomy, he just didn't give a "f" about me, or my overall wellness in general.
Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being
The Single Most Important Parenting Action We Can Take Today
We Have FOMO For Our Children And It Needs To Stop, we can't do it all, set realistic expectation to self. Don't be over critical of your sincere effort.
The Ethos of the Overinvolved Parent
How to be happy
Productive adults who contribute to society learn from engaged, loving moms
Why kids behave worse when mummy is in the room – a mum’s point-of-view... oh.. so.. true...
A Letter to My Working Mom
Why James Comey’s Obsessive Note-Taking Is A Smart Strategy For Surviving Difficult Bosses
職場上,不要期待會有人教你! 你不是學生,也沒有老師,不要再等別人幫你「畫重點」!
Here’s A Brilliant Way To Explain What ‘Consent’ Means To Kids
The 5-Second Trick to Ending a Fight
After a loss, learning to be happy again
Is There a Link between Music and Math?
9 Toddler Sleep Myths That Are BS & Need To Be Debunked Now
Regular Bedtimes for Children Aid Development
How Co-Sleeping Affects Your Kid's Mental Health, Potentially
I Don’t Ask My Spouse For Permission "When it comes to making a choice for myself, it’s nice to know that I’m not married to someone who feels the need — or the power — to “let” me do something."
10 Things To Tell Your Partner When Your Relationship Is Difficult
9 Things I Learned From Dating A Man Child
10 Things My Partner Can't Understand About Pregnancy & Losing My Bodily Autonomy, he just didn't give a "f" about me, or my overall wellness in general.
Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being
The Single Most Important Parenting Action We Can Take Today
We Have FOMO For Our Children And It Needs To Stop, we can't do it all, set realistic expectation to self. Don't be over critical of your sincere effort.
The Ethos of the Overinvolved Parent
How to be happy
Productive adults who contribute to society learn from engaged, loving moms
Why kids behave worse when mummy is in the room – a mum’s point-of-view... oh.. so.. true...
A Letter to My Working Mom
Why James Comey’s Obsessive Note-Taking Is A Smart Strategy For Surviving Difficult Bosses
職場上,不要期待會有人教你! 你不是學生,也沒有老師,不要再等別人幫你「畫重點」!
Here’s A Brilliant Way To Explain What ‘Consent’ Means To Kids
The 5-Second Trick to Ending a Fight
After a loss, learning to be happy again
Is There a Link between Music and Math?
9 Toddler Sleep Myths That Are BS & Need To Be Debunked Now
Regular Bedtimes for Children Aid Development
How Co-Sleeping Affects Your Kid's Mental Health, Potentially
I Don’t Ask My Spouse For Permission "When it comes to making a choice for myself, it’s nice to know that I’m not married to someone who feels the need — or the power — to “let” me do something."
10 Things To Tell Your Partner When Your Relationship Is Difficult
9 Things I Learned From Dating A Man Child
Best of what?,
Vancouver is a suburb of Portland.
Portlanders shut out of chance to own a home
How homeownership became the engine of American inequality
Most Brands of Tea Contain THESE Harmful Chemicals!
How Some Kids Escape Poverty
Screw Wisdom
It Is Really Important to Humanize Evil
Sexism and the City
Study Confirms That Most American Women Have Experienced Sexual Harassment
Grappling With a Story of Modern Slavery
The Most Disproportionately Well-Paying Job in Each State
Between Consenting Adults: Japan’s Incongruous Celebrity Sex Scandals
Portlanders shut out of chance to own a home
How homeownership became the engine of American inequality
Most Brands of Tea Contain THESE Harmful Chemicals!
How Some Kids Escape Poverty
Screw Wisdom
It Is Really Important to Humanize Evil
Sexism and the City
Study Confirms That Most American Women Have Experienced Sexual Harassment
Grappling With a Story of Modern Slavery
The Most Disproportionately Well-Paying Job in Each State
Between Consenting Adults: Japan’s Incongruous Celebrity Sex Scandals
Best of what?,
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Norpac cuts wages 10%, reduces retirement benefits for Longview mill workers
Dishing on the magic of pho in Clark County; the town is happening...
How Pixar Lost Its Way
Samantha Bee Reveals What Happens If You Read Ivanka Trump’s Book
Silicon Valley has idolized Steve Jobs for decades—and it’s finally paying the price
Google Photos Provides a Friendly Reminder That Google Owns You
Amazon made a small change to the way it sells books. Publishers are terrified.
Bear Island paper mill in Hanover shutting down; 165 employees being laid off
Dishing on the magic of pho in Clark County; the town is happening...
How Pixar Lost Its Way
Samantha Bee Reveals What Happens If You Read Ivanka Trump’s Book
Silicon Valley has idolized Steve Jobs for decades—and it’s finally paying the price
Google Photos Provides a Friendly Reminder That Google Owns You
Amazon made a small change to the way it sells books. Publishers are terrified.
Bear Island paper mill in Hanover shutting down; 165 employees being laid off
Saturday, May 20, 2017
8 Clear Signs That Show You Are Way Too Stressed
Connect Instead of Correct and Other Ways to Change Your Parent Perspective
10 Things My Mom Told Me as a Kid That Give Me Confidence as an Adult
To The People Who Ghosted When I Had Kids
When your toddler defies you, love is the answer
Think You're One and Done? Read This First, my dream may come true.
The Real Work Of Teaching
How I Slowed My Family Down. Like, to the Last Century.
11 Super Powers Moms Have That Would Make The X-Men Jealous, yes, being a mom is pretty awesome!
Let The Kids Be Bored Sometimes (It’s Good For Them)
Rilke on What It Really Means to Love “For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks… the work for which all other work is but preparation.”
Watch Out For This Red Flag In Love
11 Superb Spring Sensory Bins for Babies and Toddlers
Chill Out, American Parents, Our Kids Are Safer Than Ever
My Single Friends Are Shaming Me For Becoming a Mom, & It's Absolutely Infuriating
Want To Influence Your Kid’s Behavior? Start With Your Relationship
For Longevity, Men Need to Cultivate Deep Friendships
If you Love her, Don’t Destroy Her., I know that you don't love me, you were set to destroy us, and specific me and son. "If you love her, love her with all her flaws and insecurities. She is as imperfect as you are and she only hopes to share that imperfection with you. She wants to undress her soul in front of you and be utterly herself. She wants to be the same way with you that she is in the mirror—crazy, wild and free. If you’re not ready to accept her as she is, you will destroy her. If you love her, build her up because she will be doing the same for you. Know that whatever effort you put in, she will be putting in double. If you show her the moon, she’ll show you the entire galaxy. If you take her to a well, she’ll introduce you to the ocean. If you treat her right, she’ll love you more. If you love her well, she’ll never forget you."
Being A Good Girlfriend Might Be Bad For Your Relationship, Science Says
7 Parenting Mistakes That Can Ruin a Marriage
Chris Cornell's Suicide Is Sadly Familiar To Gen-Xers
Seneca on True and False Friendship
This Gen X woman's incredible advice to millennials has gone viral on Twitter
The 5 Most Important Money Lessons To Teach Your Kids
10 Things I Wish I Said To The Mom Who Stood Up For Me In The Checkout Line
Being a Working Mom Was Easier Before My Kid Started School
It Only Took These Moms 5 Minutes To Hilariously Sum Up Swimsuit Season #IMomSoHard”
A relationship expert says one word can defuse a fight with your partner — but most people don't use it enough "ouch" will just pass thru a narcissist's mind...I don't think this word is strong enough.
3 Bullsh*t Ways WOMEN Bully Men After Divorce —P.S. Your Kids Notice, this goes both way for SURE; I am so glad that I have the conviction and strong moral compass not to do this to anyone.
Connect Instead of Correct and Other Ways to Change Your Parent Perspective
10 Things My Mom Told Me as a Kid That Give Me Confidence as an Adult
To The People Who Ghosted When I Had Kids
When your toddler defies you, love is the answer
Think You're One and Done? Read This First, my dream may come true.
The Real Work Of Teaching
How I Slowed My Family Down. Like, to the Last Century.
11 Super Powers Moms Have That Would Make The X-Men Jealous, yes, being a mom is pretty awesome!
Let The Kids Be Bored Sometimes (It’s Good For Them)
Rilke on What It Really Means to Love “For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks… the work for which all other work is but preparation.”
Watch Out For This Red Flag In Love
11 Superb Spring Sensory Bins for Babies and Toddlers
Chill Out, American Parents, Our Kids Are Safer Than Ever
My Single Friends Are Shaming Me For Becoming a Mom, & It's Absolutely Infuriating
Want To Influence Your Kid’s Behavior? Start With Your Relationship
For Longevity, Men Need to Cultivate Deep Friendships
If you Love her, Don’t Destroy Her., I know that you don't love me, you were set to destroy us, and specific me and son. "If you love her, love her with all her flaws and insecurities. She is as imperfect as you are and she only hopes to share that imperfection with you. She wants to undress her soul in front of you and be utterly herself. She wants to be the same way with you that she is in the mirror—crazy, wild and free. If you’re not ready to accept her as she is, you will destroy her. If you love her, build her up because she will be doing the same for you. Know that whatever effort you put in, she will be putting in double. If you show her the moon, she’ll show you the entire galaxy. If you take her to a well, she’ll introduce you to the ocean. If you treat her right, she’ll love you more. If you love her well, she’ll never forget you."
Being A Good Girlfriend Might Be Bad For Your Relationship, Science Says
7 Parenting Mistakes That Can Ruin a Marriage
Chris Cornell's Suicide Is Sadly Familiar To Gen-Xers
Seneca on True and False Friendship
This Gen X woman's incredible advice to millennials has gone viral on Twitter
The 5 Most Important Money Lessons To Teach Your Kids
10 Things I Wish I Said To The Mom Who Stood Up For Me In The Checkout Line
Being a Working Mom Was Easier Before My Kid Started School
It Only Took These Moms 5 Minutes To Hilariously Sum Up Swimsuit Season #IMomSoHard”
A relationship expert says one word can defuse a fight with your partner — but most people don't use it enough "ouch" will just pass thru a narcissist's mind...I don't think this word is strong enough.
3 Bullsh*t Ways WOMEN Bully Men After Divorce —P.S. Your Kids Notice, this goes both way for SURE; I am so glad that I have the conviction and strong moral compass not to do this to anyone.
Best of what?,
Developmental psychologists: Trump isn’t a child. Children behave better.
Is Donald Trump still President?
Tips for Leaders Meeting Trump: Keep It Short and Give Him a Win
Here's How World Leaders Are Planning to Suck Up to Trump During His First Overseas Trip
The Trump Presidency Falls Apart
The 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' Dodge
Trump Told the Russians That 'Nut Job' Comey's Firing Relieved 'Great Pressure'
12 Features of white working-class Trump voters confirm depressed and traumatized multitudes voted for him
President Trump's Approval Rating Just Hit Another Low
Trump Officials: ‘He Looks More and More Like a Complete Moron’
Trump goes abroad. Nixon tried the same thing.
Counterterrorism Expert Slams ‘Narcissist’ Donald Trump
Special Counsel Draws Partisan Reactions From Oregon
Report: Trump Told Russians He Fired 'Nut Job' Comey Because Of Investigation
Seth Meyers Reveals The 1 Campaign Promise Donald Trump Has Kept
Mike Pence wants us to believed he's innocent. Don't buy it.
How Foreign Nations Are Preparing for a Visit From the First Toddler-President
My First Big Boy Trip
White House official is person of interest in Russia probe: Washington Post
Donald Trump and the rise of tribal epistemology
Seth Meyers on His Simple Trick for Interviewing Kellyanne Conway
Is Donald Trump still President?
Tips for Leaders Meeting Trump: Keep It Short and Give Him a Win
Here's How World Leaders Are Planning to Suck Up to Trump During His First Overseas Trip
The Trump Presidency Falls Apart
The 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' Dodge
Trump Told the Russians That 'Nut Job' Comey's Firing Relieved 'Great Pressure'
12 Features of white working-class Trump voters confirm depressed and traumatized multitudes voted for him
President Trump's Approval Rating Just Hit Another Low
Trump Officials: ‘He Looks More and More Like a Complete Moron’
Trump goes abroad. Nixon tried the same thing.
Counterterrorism Expert Slams ‘Narcissist’ Donald Trump
Special Counsel Draws Partisan Reactions From Oregon
Report: Trump Told Russians He Fired 'Nut Job' Comey Because Of Investigation
Seth Meyers Reveals The 1 Campaign Promise Donald Trump Has Kept
Mike Pence wants us to believed he's innocent. Don't buy it.
How Foreign Nations Are Preparing for a Visit From the First Toddler-President
White House official is person of interest in Russia probe: Washington Post
Donald Trump and the rise of tribal epistemology
Seth Meyers on His Simple Trick for Interviewing Kellyanne Conway
Chris Cornell: When Suicide Doesn’t Make Sens
'Lady Cynthia' rhododendron bush puts Canada town on the map
High-achieving Ivy League students often miss an important lesson about how to succeed in life
Canadian college see surge of foreign students, it's not just politics
Italy Just Made 12 Vaccines Mandatory For School-Age Kids
The Agony of Perfectionism
The end of Canada’s housing boom?
How Low Are U.S. Taxes Compared to Other Countries?
How to Woo Chinese Investors: With Visa Offers and the Trump Name
'Lady Cynthia' rhododendron bush puts Canada town on the map
High-achieving Ivy League students often miss an important lesson about how to succeed in life
Canadian college see surge of foreign students, it's not just politics
Italy Just Made 12 Vaccines Mandatory For School-Age Kids
The Agony of Perfectionism
The end of Canada’s housing boom?
How Low Are U.S. Taxes Compared to Other Countries?
How to Woo Chinese Investors: With Visa Offers and the Trump Name
Friday, May 19, 2017
‘Republicans Go Into Hiding As Donald Trump’s Scandals Deepen
‘An embarrassment’: U.S. health care far from the top in global study
Analysis | Here are K-12 education programs Trump wants to eliminate in 2018 budget
Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz To Leave Office At The End Of June
Dear White House aides: Save yourselves. Save us.
We tracked the Trump scandals on right-wing news sites. Here’s how they covered it.
EPA dismisses climate change scientists 'to replace them with industry reps'
What Does the President Owe, and to Whom Does He Owe It?
Trump’s first full education budget: Deep cuts to public school programs in pursuit of school choice
Flynn’s Job Was to Set Up Back Channel Access Between Putin and Trump
California considers investing $100 million in-home visits for new moms and their babies
‘An embarrassment’: U.S. health care far from the top in global study
Analysis | Here are K-12 education programs Trump wants to eliminate in 2018 budget
Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz To Leave Office At The End Of June
Dear White House aides: Save yourselves. Save us.
We tracked the Trump scandals on right-wing news sites. Here’s how they covered it.
EPA dismisses climate change scientists 'to replace them with industry reps'
What Does the President Owe, and to Whom Does He Owe It?
Trump’s first full education budget: Deep cuts to public school programs in pursuit of school choice
Flynn’s Job Was to Set Up Back Channel Access Between Putin and Trump
California considers investing $100 million in-home visits for new moms and their babies
The Bedtime Hoops: 4 Important Questions to Ask Your Kids Every Night
50 Affirmations Just for Kids
15 Phrases to Use Instead of "You Make Me So Mad!"
The two words I never say to my kid
13 Things You Should Stop Saying to Your Kids Now
20 Signs You Might Have a Toxic Parent; parents, don't be one of them.. and if you recognize that you have those act. CLEAN IT UP.
Steep Rise In Interracial Marriages Among Newlyweds 50 Years After They Became Legal
The Hidden Costs of Flying
Traveling Teaches Students in a Way Schools Can't
Social Anxiety in Toddlers
What Are Your Kids REALLY Fighting About?
Transforming Criticism into Wishes: A Recipe for Successful Conflict
How to Help Your Children Handle Their Emotions
Happy Couples Focus on Each Other’s Strengths
22 Priceless Tweets That Sum Up Life As A Married Couple
You Are Either Listening Or You’re Not
How Language Seems To Shape One's View Of The World
Why every baby around the world’s first word starts with the letter M
Joyful mama: Be happy today. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
4 Ways Parents Can Support Their Mixed Race Children
50 Affirmations Just for Kids
15 Phrases to Use Instead of "You Make Me So Mad!"
The two words I never say to my kid
13 Things You Should Stop Saying to Your Kids Now
20 Signs You Might Have a Toxic Parent; parents, don't be one of them.. and if you recognize that you have those act. CLEAN IT UP.
Steep Rise In Interracial Marriages Among Newlyweds 50 Years After They Became Legal
The Hidden Costs of Flying
Traveling Teaches Students in a Way Schools Can't
Social Anxiety in Toddlers
What Are Your Kids REALLY Fighting About?
Transforming Criticism into Wishes: A Recipe for Successful Conflict
How to Help Your Children Handle Their Emotions
Happy Couples Focus on Each Other’s Strengths
22 Priceless Tweets That Sum Up Life As A Married Couple
You Are Either Listening Or You’re Not
How Language Seems To Shape One's View Of The World
Why every baby around the world’s first word starts with the letter M
Joyful mama: Be happy today. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
4 Ways Parents Can Support Their Mixed Race Children
Portraits of Homelessness
Immigration arrests spike in Seattle and Northwest under Trump
Here’s The Salary You Need To Afford A Home In 22 U.S. Cities
New Lawsuit Alleges Baylor Players Gang-Raped Women As 'Bonding Experience' THIS IS SICK> BAYLOR, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I’m Facebook’s Head Of People–Here’s What We’re Hiring For Right Now (And Why)
Should America Keep Giving Billions Of Dollars To Countries In Need?
19 things you should never say to someone from Oregon
Oregon Senate approves equal pay legislation
Portland's 5 best bowls of pho (and a few honorable mentions)
Immigration arrests spike in Seattle and Northwest under Trump
Here’s The Salary You Need To Afford A Home In 22 U.S. Cities
New Lawsuit Alleges Baylor Players Gang-Raped Women As 'Bonding Experience' THIS IS SICK> BAYLOR, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I’m Facebook’s Head Of People–Here’s What We’re Hiring For Right Now (And Why)
Should America Keep Giving Billions Of Dollars To Countries In Need?
19 things you should never say to someone from Oregon
Oregon Senate approves equal pay legislation
Portland's 5 best bowls of pho (and a few honorable mentions)
May is Mental Health Month
To Choose Divorce Is Not To Choose Failure, walk away from the love of my life was hard, but walk a way from an abusive partner to save my soul and the future of my life and my child is upmost the most responsible thing I ever did.
Don’t Fix These Toddler Struggles
How Parents Can Help Kids Develop A Sense Of Purpose
I'm a Slave to My Daughter's Sleep Schedule, I do best for us, no one should let one thing, one way of thinking to slave their minds or lives.
Parenting Is More Stressful for Moms, More Fun for Dads, Says New Study
Research says that birth order can shape your personality. Here’s how; pretty true for me.
My Mom’s Original Gangster Parenting Hacks Would Never Fly Today
The Secret to Smart Negotiations Is Simply Empathy
To fall in love with anyone, do this.
The 13 Sexiest Things You Can Ever Say to a Woman
How to Be Kind When You’re Upset With Your Partner "Kindness doesn’t mean that we can't express our anger, but it informs how we express the anger. You can throw spears at your partner, or you can explain why you’re hurt and angry."
Empathy: How Families Lead with Gratitude and Kindness
The Self-Compassion Solution
Why she stays: Keeping the children safe from an abusive spouse
How to defuse a child’s tantrum with one question
50 Super Simple Text Messages That Keep A Relationship Strong And Healthy
12 in 100 Parents Are Burned Out. Are You One of Them?
Tending Our Inner Life to Make the World Whole "To tend to our own inner life is not selfishness; it is wisdom, it is essential, and it is unavoidable"
To Raise Better Kids, Say No
An Unforgettable Reflection: My Issues Don’t Have to be My Children’s Issues; I am raising my boy to be a brave young man and that he is not afraid to set boundary and speak his mind respectfully.
Why Kids Thrive When We Set High Expectations
Yup, I Let Myself Go Postpartum, & You Probably Should, Too
Are Men With Beards More Desirable?
A Mother’s Mental Health Is EVERYTHING, So Stop Ignoring Yours
Stop telling your child they're 'amazing'. Instead, say this.
Where Kids Aren’t Allowed to Put on Sunscreen: in School
What Am I Doing to My Kid When I Yell?
The Milestones That Matter Most
You Can’t ‘Single Mom It’ If You’re Not A Single Mom
7 Ways to Be a More Loving Partner ... and 3 reasons we so often fall short.
12 Trophies Every Second-Time Parent Deserves, I win the trophy just being the first time parent!
Family And Friends, Please Stop Buying My Kids So Much Stuff; not easy, but we are doing better.
13 Powerful Phrases Proven to Help an Anxious Child Calm Down
Moms Returning To The Workforce Can Fill Their Resume Gaps With ‘The Pregnancy Pause’ “The Pregnancy Pause”, loving it.
Mistakes Can’t Be Undone
The man trap
These Are The Recommended Sleep Times According To The National Sleep Foundation
When You Aren’t In The ‘Cool Mom’ Clique
Are the New Megadonors Distorting American Society?
Growing Up Without Siblings May Affect Your Brain's Development
6 Healthy Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Toxic, I do most of it, I know I am not the toxic one
Don’t Fix These Toddler Struggles
How Parents Can Help Kids Develop A Sense Of Purpose
I'm a Slave to My Daughter's Sleep Schedule, I do best for us, no one should let one thing, one way of thinking to slave their minds or lives.
Parenting Is More Stressful for Moms, More Fun for Dads, Says New Study
Research says that birth order can shape your personality. Here’s how; pretty true for me.
My Mom’s Original Gangster Parenting Hacks Would Never Fly Today
The Secret to Smart Negotiations Is Simply Empathy
To fall in love with anyone, do this.
The 13 Sexiest Things You Can Ever Say to a Woman
How to Be Kind When You’re Upset With Your Partner "Kindness doesn’t mean that we can't express our anger, but it informs how we express the anger. You can throw spears at your partner, or you can explain why you’re hurt and angry."
Empathy: How Families Lead with Gratitude and Kindness
The Self-Compassion Solution
Why she stays: Keeping the children safe from an abusive spouse
How to defuse a child’s tantrum with one question
50 Super Simple Text Messages That Keep A Relationship Strong And Healthy
12 in 100 Parents Are Burned Out. Are You One of Them?
Tending Our Inner Life to Make the World Whole "To tend to our own inner life is not selfishness; it is wisdom, it is essential, and it is unavoidable"
To Raise Better Kids, Say No
An Unforgettable Reflection: My Issues Don’t Have to be My Children’s Issues; I am raising my boy to be a brave young man and that he is not afraid to set boundary and speak his mind respectfully.
Why Kids Thrive When We Set High Expectations
Yup, I Let Myself Go Postpartum, & You Probably Should, Too
Are Men With Beards More Desirable?
A Mother’s Mental Health Is EVERYTHING, So Stop Ignoring Yours
Stop telling your child they're 'amazing'. Instead, say this.
Where Kids Aren’t Allowed to Put on Sunscreen: in School
What Am I Doing to My Kid When I Yell?
The Milestones That Matter Most
You Can’t ‘Single Mom It’ If You’re Not A Single Mom
7 Ways to Be a More Loving Partner ... and 3 reasons we so often fall short.
12 Trophies Every Second-Time Parent Deserves, I win the trophy just being the first time parent!
Family And Friends, Please Stop Buying My Kids So Much Stuff; not easy, but we are doing better.
13 Powerful Phrases Proven to Help an Anxious Child Calm Down
Moms Returning To The Workforce Can Fill Their Resume Gaps With ‘The Pregnancy Pause’ “The Pregnancy Pause”, loving it.
Mistakes Can’t Be Undone
The man trap
These Are The Recommended Sleep Times According To The National Sleep Foundation
When You Aren’t In The ‘Cool Mom’ Clique
Are the New Megadonors Distorting American Society?
Growing Up Without Siblings May Affect Your Brain's Development
6 Healthy Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Toxic, I do most of it, I know I am not the toxic one
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