Monday, March 08, 2021

Where is the bridge back to here? What do we need to do to co-create a world that feels safe enough and encouraging enough for all of us to choose to be here? I mean, really be here...

Everywhere I look, I see people who don't want to be here. They don't want to die, exactly, but they don't want to be here. And it's not only apparent in theid addictive patterns, its apparent in everyday ways: self- distractive tendencies, shalloing of breath and perspective, perpetual positivity, the tenascendence bypass, to name a few. There are billions of ways to leave the moment. I often wonder, what has to happen before we can co-create a world that invites us to be here, truly here? And how can we construct that world if we have already left it? Where is the bridge back to here? - Jeff Brown, Hearticulations

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