Wednesday, March 31, 2021

One day we will be only whispers
in our children's minds,
our voices guiding and encouraging
or criticizing and condemning.
One day we will be only memories
in our children's hearts,
remembered laughter and love
or pain and conflict.
One day we will be only footprints
on our children's souls,
leaving a trail of light to illuminate their way
or a gorge of sharp-edged rocks for them
to stumble through in the dark.
We give our children wings to soar
or wounds to heal
every day by how we live,
how we love, how we speak,
the moment by moment choices we make.
What legacy do you hope to leave your children, friends?
And what are you doing today to turn that hope
into your children's reality? - L.R.Knost

You'll either be a voice that someone must overcome or you'll be a voice that helps someone overcome. - L.R. Knost

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