Monday, September 29, 2008



The Siberian Husky is an outgoing, fun-loving dog. He is lighter in build than the Alaskan Malamute, and also less bold. A medium build Apx. 35-65lbs in weight. But he still requires an alert owner who stays in control, as the Siberian's nature is to roam and explore, as his Arctic ancestors did. That is one reason it is important to be aware of where your husky is at all times. He also does well with other dogs and cats. Siberians do much better with homes with more than one animal. Does well in an apartment or in the back yard.
- sounds liked my MOCHA. She is in roaming and Explorere mode a lot!

The Alaskan Malamute, one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs, was named after the native Innuit tribe called Mahlemuts, who settled along the shores of Kotzebue Sound in the upper western part of Alaska. Malamutes babysat the Mahlemut children while parents were out on hunts which is one reason they make very good family pets. Alaskan Malamutes in weight are standard size 65-85. But can weigh up to 150lbs witch are considered the Gentle Giants Maloot.
- a dog breed that would babysit! wow impressive, save $ on hiring a nanny!

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