4 reasons to date someone who's been divorced
Is Male Emotional Intelligence More Responsible for Successful Relationships? Dr. Gottman's research has consistently shown that what men do in a relationship is the crucial factor that separates a great relationship from a failed one.
When Parents Invade Childhood (A Lesson in Distrust), so glad that I am not a fan of the Easter egg hunt.
Debunking the Belief That Downtime Is a Waste of Time "Yes, we want to help prepare our children for their future. But living an overscheduled, overprogrammed life isn’t the way to do it. That kind of childhood is not only laden with stress; also, it means that the child will never be able to entertain herself. Will never be able to live inside her own head. To deal with solitude or quiet time (essential for problem solving and restoration). She may feel she absolutely has to be in the company of others, even panicking at the idea of having to keep herself amused..."
Raising overcomers: How to teach your kids to do hard things
The Sleeper’s Dilemma
Ditch Your Biological Clock—Science Says Older Moms Are Better Parents. Promising findings for women who had their kids at 35 and older. There are benefits to being older and wiser... I think I am a better mom because I waited. :)
WHAT IF ALL I WANT FOR MY KIDS IS AN ORDINARY LIFE? “You don’t need to be loud to be heard. You don’t need to look a certain way to be seen. You don’t need to be liked by everyone. You don’t need to do earth-shattering things to make a difference in this world.”
Being single will kill you faster than obesity, study says, being in isolation is differently to be feeling lonely in a room full of people or you choose to be in the moment in solitude.
Strong women would rather be alone than their time with assholes..., stop labeling.. all women, not just strong women, who enjoy the company of assholes? NO ONE!
8 Insanely Easy Ways To Detox Your Life
What if All I Want is a Mediocre Life? "What if all I want is a small, slow, simple life? What if I am most happy in the space of in between? Where calm lives. What if I am mediocre and choose to be at peace with that?" This is not a mediocre life, that is a meaningful, purposeful life. A simple and happy life.
Dear Parents of America or Anywhere Else: As a gender-nonconforming person, I get a lot of attention — both wanted and unwanted — anytime I walk around in public.
The Complex Lives of Babies
Why Not Talk About Death?
The Power of Self-Love and How it Helps You Heal
We Just Got More New Evidence That Parkinson's Starts in The Gut - Not The Brain
Gut feelings: the future of psychiatry may be inside your stomach
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