Thursday, March 29, 2018

I’ll Take the Tired—Because Someday They Will Leave Me
When the Damage is Undone.
Abusive relationships: Why it’s so hard for women to ‘just leave’ "The psychological reasons women stay are naturally less visible, making it hard for many to understand and sympathize with victims.”
8 Insanely Easy Ways To Detox Your Life
Irregular bedtimes could be damaging children's health and development. Here's how
The "Friends" Zone: Are Men And Women Really Incapable Of Just Being Friends?
Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.
The Secrets Women Keep #speakthesecret
How Children Learn Bravery in an Age of Overprotection
How to talk to our sons about guns and aggression "If it is normal for boys (or at least my boy) to crave feelings of power—and it seems he does, in a way I don’t see in my daughters—then shouldn’t I avoid shaming him, making him feel there is something wrong with this desire? Because, in fact, besides this annoying pretend play, he is an extremely gentle boy."
“Don’t speak unless you can improve upon the silence.” -
The Poetry of Silence

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