Hong Kong unions, students fail to get support for strikes against security law. A strike was intended to open a new arena of resistance, but organizers said only 8,943 union members participated in a city-wide poll, falling short...
我為何決心反共? 前國足主將郝海東
Beijing reveals Hong Kong draft security as Chief Exec. to be given power to select judges – report
【港版國安法】林鄭權力大增任欽點法官 楊岳橋:猶如利劍直插香港司法同行政機關
【維港外望】「港版國安法」 香港End Game?
【港版國安法●草案說明】國安駐港拉人送中 特首欽點法官審案
Hong Kong’s public broadcaster faces rising pressure to self-censor
【港版國安法】用詞由「干預」變「勾結」 郭榮鏗:打擊港人國際戰線人人自危
【國安法壓港】譚耀宗:國安法與香港刑罰相若 較輕罪最少判 3 年 「較嚴重」案可判 5 至 10 年
Harboring Hong Kong 'rioters' will harm Taiwan, China says
Beijing to have sweeping powers over Hong Kong security law, stoking concerns
Taiwan to set up office to help people fleeing Hong Kong
The Leader Who Killed Her City
‘Stand solemnly’: Hong Kong gov’t tells schools to display flags and play national anthem during celebrations
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