Friday, February 21, 2020

Healing doesn't have to look magical or pretty. Real healing is hard, exhausting and draining. Let yourself go through it. Don't try to paint it as anything other than what it is. Be there for yourself with no judgement. - Audrey Kitching

Don't talk, act. Don't day, show. Don't promise, prove. - unknown

Don't try to change people. Make a realistic decision about where they fit in your life based on who they are, not who you want them to be. - unknown

Remember to turn everything off at least once a week, including your brain. Then sit somewhere quiet and just chill out. - unknown

Accept both compliments and criticism. It takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow. - unknown

Anything is possible for those with a dream, a plan, and the determination to make it happen, no matter what. - unknown

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