An Important Warning If You Want to Find a Happy Relationship
Average Sleep Charts by Age
Half-Assed Birthday Parties Are The Best Birthday Parties
I Still Miss When It Was Just You And Me, Kid
Why Moms are Overwhelmed and Stressed Out
Just Like Burnout at Work, It’s Possible to Burn Out on Parenting
“Don’t Blink,” They Said...
11 Signs You’re With A Good Man; this is why you failed.
I'm a Mean Mom But a Good Mom
How Are New Moms Affected By Sleep Loss? 6 Ways The Exhaustion Is Harmful The brain fog is real.
Filling Your Child's "Attachment Tank
Why dividing us by age in school doesn’t make sense
What if all I want is a ‘mediocre’ life?, true that since I became a mother, I have a new found purpose in life and so I don't need to be rich to feel that my life is not mediocre. I have a child to raise and cultivate him to be a kind, loving, emotional and physically healthy person.
The Confidence Gap
How Breastfeeding Enriches Toddlerhood…And Motherhood, it wasn't meant to be in my case. :(
How to Take a Toddler Grocery Shopping in 100 Easy Steps, I appreciated the humor, but it is not rocket science.. they are just little people.
"My Baby Slept Through The Night From The Beginning", this line is a bitch from bitches.
Secrests of lasting relationships, from high school sweethearts
5 Myths About Children and Sleep ...thank you.. I got a scarlet letter from the abusers just because I did one of the top 5.
How to Teach Your Kids about the Brain
Neuroscience of Joy: 4 Things Guaranteed to Brighten your Mood
Why Some People Respond to Stress by Falling Asleep
How to Help Your Kids Build a Better BS Detector
10 Things People Need To Stop Saying About Pregnancy In General, haha.. I don't think I have much of those comments... my partner didn't really appreciated me.. in the way one should when she was carrying and growing a child. But I love myself well enough.
Why do moms still feel guilty about working?
Kindergarten Homework Question Stumps Parents
13 illustrations that help us understand the secrets to a great relationship
10 Times Jennifer Garner Was Brutally Honest About This Whole Parenting Thing "Our kids need to be allowed to have a bad day, and you need to show them that it's OK to have the whole range of emotions." - Jennifer Garner
How Bed-Sharing Affects Your Kid Later In Life
It’s not selfish to take a break, mama
There's No Love Like the Love Your Kids Have For You When They Are Small Gabe, love you love you, love you.
Why Are Our Girls Developing so Early?
How to build resilient kids, even after a loss "Talking openly about memories — not just positive ones, but difficult ones, too — can help kids make sense of their past and rise to future challenges" - Sheryl Sandberg
Improve cooperation and peace: 21 ways to reach your child's heart "We were never meant to take care of children whose hearts we did not have, and that includes our teenagers. When they are not in right relationship with us, their instincts are to resist us, to oppose us, to shy away from us." - Dr. Gordon Neufeld
A Mindset Shift to Continue Supporting the Most Frustrating Kids
Mom Draws The Trials And Tribulations Of Parenting In Hilarious Cartoons
Why don't people take writing about motherhood seriously? Because women do it “Birth is a matter of blood and sweat and gore and suffering, of life and death...except: Only women can give birth."
I was going to fold the clothes, but instead I held you
Mom's Note To Babysitter Is Brutally Honest & 100 Percent Hilarious
We're All Tired. But When Could Fatigue Mean a Medical Problem?
Be The Change You Want to See By Shifting Traditional High School
New motherhood is hard—but these 5 simple habits are all your baby really needs
How child care enriches mothers and especially the sons they raise
5 Tips For Traveling With Your Toddler
11 Quotes For When You’re Really Pissed Off
How I Stopped Being The Invisible Woman (To Myself & Others)
5 Techniques to Quiet Your Mind
3 Small Changes to Make Love Last Even When You're Busy Being a Parent
The Science of Cohabitation: A Step Toward Marriage, Not a Rebellion
7 Signs You’ve Found A Good Woman “You can’t keep a good woman down. She can be cheated on. Lied to. Taken advantage of…by every man she’s ever loved. Yet she’s the one they miss in the end. She’s the only one they swear over – for letting her go. She’s the one that haunts their thoughts. She’s the one that’s gathered all her dignity from their misuse and went on to love again. She rises like a phoenix after betrayal – and damn she lights up the sky.” – Rafael Padilla
Parenting: Three Things That Matter More Than Discipline
The Montessori Method of Eating
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