Monday, April 03, 2017

For Better or Worse, Body Image Begins in Childhood, there were lots of shaming about body image growing up in this chasing perfection culture of ours, my job is to make Gabe knows, love thyself. I won't be tell him, mommy feel fat or oh.. look at my gut, I need to go on diet.. I HEARD ENOUGH OF THOSE CRAPS.
Walk, Stretch or Dance? Dancing May Be Best for the Brain
9 Best Ways to Stay (Mostly) Unruffled With Toddlers
How The Fifth Trimester Affects Your Marriage, Since Parenting Can Take A Toll On Love
10 Things All New Moms In Their 30s Are So Tired Of Hearing..never heard of these, and If I did heard them, I wouldn't care more or less.
10 Habits Of People In The Happiest Relationships....How things work...
What Happens In Your Baby's Brain When They See You, so happy.
I Don’t Want My Son To Read In Kindergarten, I have to think hard to think about the educational path for Gabe
13 Things That Go Through Every Mom's Mind When She Can't Get Her Baby To Stop Crying, I think differently, I think that kiddo is having a hard time (regardless of hunger of what not), he is not being comfortable and he is trying to tell me.
No Spanking, No Time-Out, No Problems I am really proud of myself, I am already doing this without going over this article. I believe giving kiddo with respect and always talk to my kiddo in a soft and kind tone, not an authoritarian, intimidating way has strengthen our trust. There is no condition of love. I truly believe this is why I don't see much tantrum.
You May Be Wrong About Extended Rear Facing , same page here Mama Leah.. so no shaming is great enough for me to change my mind, because Gabe is my precious.
Can Teaching Kids Mindfulness Replace Discipline?
Yes, My Child is Entitled. To be a Child.
To the Mom in the Trenches, I love it, even when I am in trenches, because he will grow.
I’m So Freaking Tired Of All These Parenting Rules Perspective: I’m more interested in living each day with my children than dying with them.
7 Ways to Stop Misbehavior, I am blessed with a sweet kid.
Can Everyone Just CTFD About Preschool, Please?
Babies Destroy Marriages, in my case, not the kiddo.
Kids Aren't Interested in Moral Conflict
On Mommy Burnout: Everything Changed During My Third Pregnancy
You (and Your Therapist) Can Change Your Personality
"Be Careful! I Might Kick You!"
14 Things To Know If You Love Someone With Anxiety , all you have to do is LISTEN.
Postpartum Depression Facts
I Had Panic Attacks And Anxiety Following My Daughter’s Birth, And I Know I’m Not Alone "I learn that approximately 80% of mothers experience some degree of postpartum depression or anxiety, yet somehow it remains a condition most won’t even know about until they go through it. " oh well.. according to National Institute of Mental Health
Helicopter Parents Are Causing Their Kids' Mental Health Problems
How Kids Benefit From Learning To Explain Their Math Thinking
Why We Should Stop Going Over The Top For Our Kids
9 Questions Every Couple Should Answer Before They Get Married
I Needed a College Degree for This? Why Companies Are Failing at Hiring
13 Photos That Show C-Section Moms Are Strong As Hell
Deadly measles outbreak spreads in Europe as vaccinations fall
Dear Kids, On the Days I Fail…
This Is What Happens To Your Brain After A Breakup
Science classes won’t future-proof our children. But dance might
How mindful are you?
7 Things You Should Never Do To Your Husband In Front Of Your Son Good advise.
What I want you to know: 6 Reasons Why Your Husband Taking a Business Trip Does NOT Make You a “Single Mom”
How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off "You can’t program a child to become creative. Try to engineer a certain kind of success, and the best you’ll get is an ambitious robot. If you want your children to bring original ideas into the world, you need to let them pursue their passions, not yours."
What Happens In Your Baby's Brain When You Leave The Room, So You Can Stop Worrying
Learning Soft Skills In Childhood Can Prevent Harder Problems Later
Busier you are, the more you need quiet time
Why you need emotional intelligence, this is why it matters
Tantrums and Meltdowns – My Secret For Staying Calm When My Kids Aren’t
Don't Praise Me For Being A Dad Who Gets Up At Night For My Baby AMEN

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