Thursday, April 20, 2017

I can't fit LOVE label in this entry.. but there are LOVE everywhere. I chose to see LOVE and not bitter and Hate.

Mom Embraces Her ‘Loose, Sagging Skin’ In Stunning Photo Self acceptance, self worth, self love. I am proud of my scar, it is the test of time that I am blessed with the miracle of Gabe. He is precious and I wouldn't trade being a mother to anything in my life.
What it Really Means to Hold Space for Someone
How to battle burnout with kindness and why it’s the only thing that will work Yup.. definitely in burnout mode.
How to Build a Stronger Marriage: 7 Tips From the Research
Top 5 Ways Kids Explore Their World
This Viral Soccer Game Photo Shows Co-Parenting At Its Finest, nice to see people that are civil. "Always respect the people involved because how you treat the other parents is a reflection of who you are.”
My In-Laws Are Toxic, But I'm Not Keeping My Kids From Them, sadly, I don't agree with the title of this article.. it is the same with the idea that it is better to have the other parent around, even thought he/she is toxic... hell no!
The 6 Most Toxic In-laws—and How to Handle Them
13 Signs Of A Toxic Parent That Many People Don’t Realize.
Down With 8 A.M. Classes: Undergrads Learn Better Later In The Day, Study Finds, so optimum learning time is?...10 AM, or 11 AM.
10 Ways You're Accidentally Shaming Your Toddler, need to work on the sharing part and all those kisses.. lol
Too clean for our children's good? "Early life exposure to microbes can shape not only the immune system but also the endocrine system, and even the child’s neurodevelopment."
Parents, it's time to get out of the way and let your kids just play Yes, go to stimulating places.. so fun... love this reminder to affirm that, I am doing this mommy gig well.
20 Things I Absolutely WILL NOT Do For My Kids, learn a few things for "future" reference.. still very snuggling with my baby.
Cherry Healey: 'How being a single mum shattered my prejudices'
When all you feel is guilt: A letter to new working moms
Make Free Play A Priority In Your Child’s Life "By age four, your child’s brain is 50% developed; by the teenage years, 80% of his brain is developed. Instead of constantly making sure your child is “doing something productive,” give him time to be himself…and watch the amazing ways he will use that time"
Why Simplifying May Protect Our Children’s Mental Health I remind myself "We enroll them in endless activities." & "We filter unnecessary busyness and simplify their lives"
Differences in Traditional, Permissive, and Positive Parenting
17 Powerful Tweets That Remind Us How Damaging Emotional Abuse Can Be
5 Signs Someone is Trying to Manipulate You
A radically different way to respond when your child is aggressive.
A generation of children is learning about sex through porn—and we have no way to stop it, YES, I can do something about this as a parent to my son. It is up to me to teach my boy.
The No-Matter-What Parenting Habit I’m Most Proud Of, this is inspiring.. I will need to teach Gabe when he gets older, the power of giving.
Why Didn’t I Get Help for Postpartum Depression Sooner? I am glad that I was strong and put myself and my baby first. I got help. MVP and Co. can shame me all they want. I will prevail.
10 Things Every Mom Does When She's Trying To Get Her Kid To Stop Crying, interesting description.. except bribe... we are here to comfort and provide validation.. I never bribe.. and say.. eat a candy and stop crying...
10 Commandments for Visiting New Moms
Why kids should go barefoot more and (and probably adults too); hopefully, when the weather actually becoming spring in my area, we will be playing lots outside BAREFOOT!
9 Warning Signs You’re In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship, all 9 signs were present in my situation.
Kindergartners get little time to play. Why does it matter?... oh no, they are only 5! Please play play play!
10 Projections From The Mind of A Narcissist
Why Kids Need Minimalism "Minimalism is the intentional promotion of what we most value, and the removal of anything that distracts from it."
If We Care About Early Learning, We Cannot Ignore Teacher Well-Being
The Science of How Our Minds and Our Bodies Converge in the Healing of Trauma "In trauma survivors, the parts of the brain that have evolved to monitor for danger remain overactivated and even the slightest sign of danger, real or misperceived, can trigger an acute stress response accompanied by intense unpleasant emotions and overwhelming sensations."
Is This A Toxic Relationship? 12 Ways To Recognize Partner Poison YOU, MVP.
Parents Who Co-Sleep Often Lie About It, New Study Claims, I am proud of it.
Sleep In and Make Millions: Why You Don't Need to Wake Up at 5 A.M.
Millennial Moms Reject 'Good' Parenting "As the Internet tells us, millennials are narcissistic, entitled, coddled and lazy. Raised by the Helicopter Moms of the '90s, our childhoods are best known for its empty praise, inflated self-esteem campaigns and trophies for all. Time magazine famously anointed us “The ME ME ME Generation” in 2013, and the media ran with it."... it described perfectly as MVP & GKP!
Move Over, Millennials; Generation Z Is Here
10 Parenting Styles Millennial Moms Have Championed For The Better
29 Tweets That Sum Up The Reality Of Sex After Kids
3 Truths About C-Section Mamas
On The Pressure To Have Sex And Be Sexy After Motherhood

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