Think abundantly, Energy follow intention. - unknown
If you desire peace for others, you'll receive it. If you want others to feel loved, you'll be the recipent of love.If you see only beatuy and worthiness in others, you'll have the same returned to you. You'll only give away what you have in your heart, and attract what you're giving away. - Dr. Wayne Dyer
You don't have to know anything to be brilliantly negative. Do you understand that, sir? Anybody who can speak can be brilliantly negative. The only sign of intelligence is to be brilliantly positive. Anyone can say that there are no solutions; that's being brilliantly negative. To assert that there are solutions, and demonstrate them, is being brilliantly positive. - Bucky Fuller
Millions of stars are exploding in your heart. Stardust and gold are pumping through your veins. Past, present and future are merging into one. This is how it feels like to be born again. - unknown
Sometimes the best things in life are found when you are not even looking for them. - Spiritual Awakenings ॐ
The happiest peopel are the ones who make others happy. - Booker T. Washington
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the nwe. - Scorates
The Universe knows all things and is responding to the vibration that you are sending. When you are sending your vibration on purpose, you are orchestrating what the Univserse is aligning for you. - Abraham Hicks
Stop shrinking yourself just to make other people feel big.- positively present
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