Thursday, January 28, 2021

I believe that love, as a donation of oneself to others and especially as recognition of other people's needs and sensitivity, is the foundation of every creature's life.
Despite this I've learned that selfishness is not something we have to fight, nor can we do it unless it distorts our true nature and thus creating further neuroses and behavioral problems.
So it's better to know how to accept it as the expansion of our truth, as a means (albeit limited) of knowing reality starting from ourselves as a center of attention, even if this limit carries with it the fears and discomforts of an existence that must Feeding herself in her self-centeredness.
Then the only thing to do is recognize the origin of these fears, accept them and fight them with the means we have at our disposal.
Unfortunately serenity cannot be in the fight, but only after it produces its results.
Now it's time for struggle, for exaltation, for the right fear that generates ransom and determination. It's also time when one's own certainties of truth can also be used for the reward necessary for our inner balance.
This is how we work (our self works). It wouldn't be right to disown him because we'd renege ourselves for the way we are now.
The goal we can only achieve gradually and paradoxically by realizing our self, is to ′′ die to ourselves ", ′′ lose ourselves and then find ourselves ".
The 13th Tarot Card (Death), if it is read in the sequence of the story, which the Major Arcans indicate, means a total renovation.
This is something about me and its complete overrun. But what we can now do is work on the conventions, conditions and habits we have often resigned to.
We can start from little and close to knowing the insides of the self that builds that cage we are so fond of.
Physical death will be the completion of a work that will only be fruitful if we are dead a thousand times in life. We shouldn't be afraid of it, or we shouldn't be afraid to discover ourselves different from what we built ourselves to ′′ appear ′′ more than to ′′ be ".
Dying to yourself is a conquest of a thousand small attitudes, protracted over time; of small choices, small will efforts that shape character and discover new sources of inner energy.
The latter are often suffocated by habit and presumption; they are prevented by those walls defending our fragility.
We know (we need to know) that there are unimaginable potentials in us that are just waiting for the right act of will to give themselves in all their energy.
The only thing to do, as I said before, is to learn to know and accept each other, not with resignation, but with the joy of discovering the truth and the... always right that we are representing.
The rest comes from itself. - Umberto Ridi

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