Friday, January 29, 2021

4 Ways to Live Love Now By Rachel Macy Stafford

1. Be human

Imagine never hearing the words, “I’m sorry,” from someone you love. Imagine living with someone who never admits he messed up or that she was wrong. Imagine how you would view your own mistakes. Remember this: Being human allows others to be human. Getting back up after you fall down gives others the courage to do the same. Asking for help, forgiveness, or a do-over models the most compassionate response you can give yourself and others … and that is love.
2. Meet mistakes with compassion

Nothing blocks love from another human being more than exasperation, annoyance, or shame in response to mistakes or missteps. Watch the other person’s face when you say, “That happens to me too,” or “Making mistakes means we are trying and learning.” Instead of fear, embarrassment, or frustration, you will likely see relief, hope, or determination on that face you love. You also become a trusted source for larger infractions in the future. Being someone’s safe haven in times of trouble is love.
3. Notice positives; nurture strengths

I experienced a positive shift in my home when I made a conscious effort to notice at least one positive about my loved one each day. When we had a quiet moment, I’d say, “I noticed something special about you today,” and then I described a strength I observed. The look of peace on their faces spoke volumes about the impact of this practice. Not only did it increase desired behavior, but it also increased confidence and risk-taking. By shifting our focus from what our loved ones CANNOT do to what they CAN do, we create an environment where humans can thrive.

4. Offer acceptance

We live in a society that constantly tells us we are not enough. It is vitally important that our homes are not another place where our loved ones feel like they are inadequate.
Living love means making it abundantly clear that you love your family members AS IS – that they do not need to DO anything, BE anything, or CHANGE anything to be loved by you. Make a point to frequently say, “I love you because YOU are you.”
Feeling known and accepted by the people in your home impacts the interactions your loved one has throughout the day. Offering unconditional love at home creates a ripple of kindness into the world.

Live love.
It’s what we need now.

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