Tuesday, August 27, 2019

【逃犯條例】涂謹申指緊急法是苛刻法律手段 鍾國斌:壓迫無助解決問題
西雅圖撐香港反送中 促國會通過人權民主法案
Hongkongers in Seattle stand in solidarity with protesters overseas
Protesters in Seattle rally in support of protests in Hong Kong
How Hong Kong’s protest movement endures, in photos via Quartz
How Hong Kong’s protest movement endures, in photos via yahoo
After night of clashes, Hong Kong braces for fresh rally
The Latest: HK police draw guns as protesters chase them
不分青紅皂白,一味妄求對話、和解,期望運動盡快結束的人,不但無法達到雙贏,反而令到傷者、犧牲義士的血白流。 - unknown
UK consulate staffer returns to Hong Kong after China detention
Employee of Britain's Hong Kong mission held in China released - police
Hong Kong protesters form 28-mile human chain demanding democracy
I’m Taiwanese American. Here’s Why I Stand by Hong Kong.
Violence Returns To Hong Kong As Police Fire Tear Gas And Protesters Fight Back
抗爭時代 15歲的青春盛夏 中學生為反修例運動站出來:我們不是廢青 是香港的未來
官媒指英駐港領館人員「嫖娼」 央視高仿號被揭造假
網民發起「#EYE4HK」行動 大量明星藝人踴躍響應!
On the Streets With Hong Kong’s Protesters
Canadian Consulate suspends travel to China for Hong Kong staff
, 4yera ago.
#舊記憶 #歷史中 #會有著證據 #努力 #奮鬥 #加油 #做人要有良知 #香港人加油 #HK #resist #peaceful #civildisobedience #StandwithHK #StayStrongHongKong #HongKongProtests #hope #humanrights #antitotalitarianism #antiauthoritarianism #Journalism #freedomofpress #policestate
修例風波:響應「香港之路」 巿民登獅子山築光鏈
30 years later, the human chain that 'unshackled' the Baltic nations still matters
修例風波:遊行集會不斷 示威者明日築人鏈之路

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