Sunday, September 23, 2018

Study finds people flock, or behave similarly to others, despite reasoning abilities
17 F*cks You Should Finally Stop Giving When You're A Grown And Mature Person
Neuroscience Confirms Your Subconscious Shapes Your Reality
Your gut is directly connected to your brain, by a newly discovered neuron circuit
The Invisible Workload Of Motherhood Is Killing Me
How to Detach Emotionally From Work
The Key to Happiness Might Be as Simple as a Library or a Park YES YES YES
When You're the Mom With No Village
Attention: Mom brain is (very) real
This is why your child can’t actually ‘calm down’ during a tantrum
What People Don’t Realize About Parents Suffering with Anxiety
Babies Should Sleep With Their Mothers Until Age Three, New Research Claims
The Dangers of Distracted Parenting, I am guilty of this, so we have new routine.
Parents, put down your cellphones. Your kids are watching Is the answer to our helping kids avoid addiction to technology right there at our own cell-phone-clutching fingertips? #momming
Dads of Daughters: You Need to Treat Your Wife Better "You need to love your wife as you want your daughter to be loved.".. or the same for boy so they know how to be a loving human to women in their lives...
The cost of daycare is almost as much as rent in some cities

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