Thursday, September 27, 2018


Struggling with the Kavanaugh hearing? These resources are for you
All the Questions Brett Kavanaugh Didn’t Answer
Brett Kavanaugh Plays The Victim
A Bruising Hearing Casts Doubt on Kavanaugh’s Judicial Temperament
The all-male Republican panel that will judge Christine Blasey Ford’s credibility, in one photo
Kavanaugh’s Sharp Criticism of Democrats Is Unusual for a Nominee
Why Brett Kavanaugh’s Hearings Convinced Me That He’s Guilty
What if Christine Blasey Ford had been as furious as Brett Kavanaugh?
Kavanaugh’s Testimony Was a Master Class in American Male Entitlement
Kavanaugh turns rage on left-wing conspiracy that destroyed "my family and my name"
27 Years After Anita Hill, Congress Still Got It Wrong
For Christine Blasey Ford to Be Believable, She Had to Be ‘Likable’
The Internet Reacts To Brett Kavanaugh Crying His Way Through His Testimony
Did Kavanaugh lie under oath about watching Ford's testimony?
American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations
Congrats to Brett Kavanaugh on getting to be angry
Brett Kavanaugh Once Said Polygraphs Are A Good Tool. Now He Says They’re Unreliable.
The most telling moment: Kavanaugh goes after Sen. Klobuchar
Brett Kavanaugh's Unhinged Opening Statement Was a Complete Train Wreck
Brett Kavanaugh just got remarkably angry — and political — for a Supreme Court nominee
Brett Kavanaugh’s Testimony Made It Easier Than Ever to Picture Him as an Aggressive, Entitled Teen
Brett Kavanaugh and the Adolescent Aggression of Conservative Masculinity
Sexual assault hotline says it saw record number of calls during Kavanaugh hearing
Blasey Ford-Kavanaugh Testimony Tells a Tale of Two Internets
Furious Lindsey Graham Calls Kavanaugh Hearing ‘the Most Unethical Sham’
Brett Kavanaugh Let His Mask Slip
Kavanaugh Hearing Calls for One Thing: An Investigation
Well, I Think We Found Our Supreme Court Justice Today...
The Meaning of Christine Blasey Ford’s Second Front Door
Why Brett Kavanaugh Wasn’t Believable
'What Rings True? What Rings False?' To Republicans, It Doesn't Matter
Lindsey Graham Threatens to Falsify Accusations of Assault Against Democratic Supreme Court Nominees
Chuck Grassley’s Handling of the Ford Hearing Is an Ongoing Disaster
Senate Democrats Deftly Highlighted Republicans’ Insensitivity Toward Christine Blasey Ford
Christine Blasey Ford Delivers Blistering, Heartbreaking Testimony at Hearing
Senator Dianne Feinstein Speaks at Kavanaugh Hearing: ‘Our Institutions Have Not Progressed’
Dianne Feinstein Interrupted by Chuck Grassley Minutes Into Kavanaugh Hearing
The Most Important Moments From the Kavanaugh Sexual-Assault Hearing
Here’s What Happens If Republicans Dump Kavanaugh
Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony Was a Calamity for the Republican Party
Christine Blasey Ford Is a Class Traitor
This Is What Christine Blasey Ford Saw As She Testified
Orrin Hatch just called Christine Blasey Ford “attractive” and “pleasing”
On Fox News, Ford Testimony Seen as ‘Disaster’ for GOP
This Is What Describing Your Sexual Assault In Front Of A Bunch Of Men Looks Like
Americans are not going to forget this day. Especially women.
Fox News anchor says Kavanaugh case prompted his own daughters to reveal their stories
Christine Blasey Ford Is Her Own Expert Witness
The 13 Most Striking Moments From the Kavanaugh Hearing
The Kavanaugh Prosecutor Is Asking a Baffling Line of Questions
Brett Kavanaugh: ‘This Confirmation Process Has Become a National Disgrace’
Once Christine Blasey Ford's Humanity Was on Display, It Was All Over
Kavanaugh Goes Nuclear
Denouncing 'Misogynistic Bullying' and 'Failed Leadership,' 50+ Groups Call on Grassley to Resign Immediately as Judiciary Committee Chair
Fox’s Chris Wallace: Christine Blasey Ford hearing is a ‘disaster for Republicans’
Lindsey Graham to Democrats: "You’d better watch out for your nominees"
Women React to Kavanaugh Hearing With Rage and Pain
Brett Kavanaugh is hard to believe
What Mark Judge’s Absence Reveals
Chuck Grassley's Jarring Presence at the Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing
“Is This Judicial Temperament?” Kavanaugh’s Fiery Opening Remarks Light Up the Internet
Why the Kavanaugh accusations matter so much to teen girls like me
Mark Judge’s book validates Christine Blasey Ford’s timeline of the alleged Kavanaugh assault
Kavanaugh Blasts Allegations as Democratic Revenge Plot Over 2016 Election/a>
Kavanaugh refuses to say yes to FBI inquiry as Republicans erupt at 'sham' hearing
If Christine Blasey Ford's testimony stirred up painful memories, here's where you can get help
Russ Feingold: We Know Brett Kavanaugh Has Lied Already
Brett Kavanaugh’s Opening Statement Was a Defiant Howl of Rage Against Democrats
Sen. Hatch calls Ford 'attractive,' 'pleasing'
Kavanaugh to Dems: You might defeat my nomination but I won't withdraw
Brett Kavanaugh's Tearful, Angry, Shouted Opening Statement Is Unbelievable and Unhinged
Kavanaugh Angrily Denies Assault Allegation After Ford Testimony

READ: Christine Blasey Ford's Opening Statement For Senate Hearing
Yale Law Professors Cancel 31 Classes So Students Can Protest Kavanaugh
Christine Blasey Ford: Kavanaugh sex attack changed my life'
Senate GOP makes late-hour mention of possible other attackers of Ford, angering Democrats
Voice shaking, Ford accuses Kavanaugh of assaulting her
Toxic Bro Culture Finally Found a News Peg

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