Saturday, September 01, 2018

Data from states shows thousands of Amazon employees are on food stamps
Trump says Canada not needed in NAFTA deal, warns Congress not to interfere
Trump's pay freeze for federal workers may be his most cynical and self-destructive stunt yet
Trump says he'll 'study' his decision to cancel federal pay raises
Trump Cuts Pay for Public Workers and Proposes $100 Billion Gift to Richest 1 Percent
The economy may be booming, but nearly half of Americans can't make ends meet
Trump Is Screwing Over the People Who Got Him Elected
Mexico has Trump figured out Trump likes to break things, blame others for the fact that they are broken and then take credit for “fixing” them. Mexico realizes this and is taking advantage. via Los Angeles Times Opinion
Trump confirms leaked comments: 'At least Canada knows where I stand!'
Poll: 60 percent disapprove of Trump, while clear majorities back Mueller and Sessions
Trump personally lobbying GOP senators to flip on Sessions
Bombshell leak to Toronto Star upends NAFTA talks: In secret ‘so insulting’ remarks, Trump says he isn’t compromising at all with Canada
Bombshell leak to Toronto Star upends NAFTA talks: In secret ‘so insulting’ remarks, Trump says he isn’t compromising at all with Canada | The Star
Veterans would make up around 30% of the federal employees affected by Trump’s wage freeze
Trump seeks to freeze pay in 2019 for Federal workers
Trump’s Decision To Cancel Raises For Federal Employees Doesn’t Add Up Donald Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees (set to take effect Jan 2019). He cited a "national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare." What happened to the "best economy in the history of our country?
Trump declared the economy the ‘best ... EVER.’ Now he says federal employees won’t get raises because of economic problems.
Trump threatens to withdraw U.S. from World Trade Organization
Trump Says Google, Facebook, Amazon May Be ‘Antitrust Situation’
Who needs NAFTA? Canada can do without it
JTrump Threatens to Pull U.S. Out of WTO If It Doesn’t ‘Shape Up’
Trump Says He’s Thinking About Indexing Capital Gains to Inflation

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