Sunday, July 01, 2018

“Forget about what’s past; don’t worry about what’s coming; just focus on this one thing and power through.” - Ingrid S.

It is ok to lose your shit sometimes because if you keep your shit, you'll end up full of shit and then you'll explode and there'll be shit everywhere. A shit storm. And nobody wants that. - unknown

It you aren't being treated with love and respect, checked your price tag. Maybe you've marked yourself down. It's you who tell people what you're worth. Get off the clearance rack and get behind the glass where they keep the valuables. - unknown. I am enough and I know my worth.. so to those that I walked away when you treated me with no love or respect.

Know your worth. You must find the courage to leave the table if respect is no longer being served. - Tene Edwards

Find people who can handle your darkest truth, who don't change the subject when your share you pain, or try to make you feel bad for feeling bad. Find people who understand we all struggle, some of us more than others, and that there's no weakness in admitting it. Find people who want to be real, however that looks and feels, and who wants you to be real, too. Find people who get that life is hard, and who get that life is also beautiful, and who aren't afraid to honor both of those realities. Find people who make you feel more at home in your heart, mind and body, who take joy in your joy. They're out there, these people. Your tribe is waiting for you. -Scott Stabile

Search for a beautiful heart. Not necessarily a beautiful face. Beautiful people are not always good, but good people are always beautiful. - unknown

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