Friday, July 20, 2018

Let's be clear: The White House week of walk-backs
34 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America
How the Midterm Elections May Be Compromised. Voter purges are a growing threat that may imperil the right to vote for millions of Americans in November.
U.S. open to lifting sanctions off aluminum giant Rusal - Mnuchin
The entire Republican Party is becoming a Russian asset
The NRA Is Awfully Quiet About Maria Butina
INFOGRAPHIC: Alleged Russian Agent Mariia Butina’s Influence Operation
Why Trump Has Such a Soft Spot for Russia
What Was Maria Butina Doing at the National Prayer Breakfast?
Republicans should be repulsed. Who are you and what have you done with my party?
Who Heard What Trump Said to Putin? Only One Other American
Is Trump The Toughest Ever On Russia?
Russia Says Agreements Were Discussed With Trump On Syria. The U.S. Is Silent
Spy Boss Coats, Once Eager To Get His Name Before Voters, Now Prefers The Shadows
Intel. chief’s blunt talk spawns worry over Trump’s reaction
Report: Russian mob money helped build Trump business empire
Fund To Bring Baby Trump to America
American Baby Trump Blimp Set To Breeze Onto Namesake's Home Turf
Trump Plans To Invite Putin For Autumn Visit, Top Spy Boss Coats Caught Off Guard
America has no choice but to impeach Trump now "If indeed Congress lacks the moral fortitude to pursue impeachment, they deserve to be judged as harshly as he"
It's time for a general strike, because Trump treason demands a brave response
Care’ To Vote Democrat In November
Trump Says He Laid Down the Law in His Latest Account of His Meeting With Putin
Trump Says Russia No Longer Targeting U.S.

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