“It was the start of the most corrosive culture. You played with the truth. You led us down a dangerous path. You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies.”
BBC Reporter Grills Sean Spicer For Pushing Trump’s Lies, Sean Spicer still show he is a man with no dignity.. he is telling his book and avoiding to answer question...
Calling my fellow Republicans: Trump is clearly unfit to remain in office
Trump’s Tax Cut Hasn’t Done Anything for Workers
Minimum wage doesn't cover the rent anywhere in the U.S.
White lawmaker warns black attorney she may ‘go missing’ if Confederate statues are threatened
Words Matter When Talking About Pain With Your Doctor
Young People Are Registering to Vote in Huge Numbers, New Study Finds
Democratic socialism surging in the age of Trump. Among the key issues for modern-day democratic socialism: Medicare for all, a $15 minimum wage, free college tuition and the abolition of the federal department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Trump declares victory in war on poverty in order to punish the poor. Trump is pushing new work requirements on aid recipients, many of whom are elderly or children.
Missouri Republicans Lower St. Louis Minimum Wage From $10 To $7.70
The World Burns. Sarah Sanders Says This Is Fine. In a Sanders briefing, even the most straightforward questions are often met with obfuscation and indignation. Even the most basic matters of fact are disputed. The logic of the battlefield wins out, and the assigned teams face off, and it becomes clear, if you watch for long enough, that the thing being fought for is reality itself: facts, truths, common knowledge.
In The White House Press Room, Sarah Sanders Channels President Trump
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