Monday, April 30, 2018

Life is a play that does not allow trials...-Charles Chaplin
For this reason you must sing, laugh, dance, cry and live intensely each moment of your life. before the curtain closes and the play ends without applause.
Smile! but don't you hide behind that smile...It shows what you are, without fear...
There are people who dream of your smile, as well as I.
You go and live! Try! Life happens in an attempt to live.
Love above all, to everything and everyone love.
Do not close your eyes to the dirt of the world, do not ignore the hunger.
Forget the bomb, but soon do something to combat it, and don't feel incapable.
Search! Looking for what's good in everything and everyone.
Life and people,...make them your reason for living.
Understand people who think different to you, do not criticize them...
Look at your back, friends...Did you make someone happy already today? or did someone suffer from your selfishness?
Do not run... Why such a hurry?
Running is only fear within you.
But do not prejudice anyone, and do not transform your dream on to them.
Create! Hold on! There will always be a way out, always shine a star.
Crying! Fight! Do what you must feel what is inside you.
Listen to what others have to say, it is important.
Look up... and climb the steps for what you want to achieve.But don't forget those who failed to climb the ladder of life.
Discover! Find out what is good within you...
Try above all as people, I'm also going to try.
Hey you, go in peace.
I must tell you all of that, simply because you exist... - K.A.

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