Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Chores, teamwork and high expectations: The 15 habits that raise responsible kids
A Guide to Playground Etiquette
What to Say to Little Kids Instead of "Say Sorry", I need to work on this with myself and Gabe.
Here’s an intervention to keep our youngest learners from falling behind "Verbal engagement can influence child development more strongly than parental income or education, study shows."
What’s Your Parenting Style (And How Is It Affecting Your Kids)?
7 Ways You’re Unknowingly Shaming Your Child
Why girls can be boyish but boys can't be girlish "There's still not a single traditionally feminine thing a boy can do that wouldn't raise eyebrows. A boy who likes wearing jewelry or makeup, twirling in a tutu or caring for baby dolls is at best the subject of conversations conducted sotto voce. At worst: a bully's target."
3 Things That Happen When You Stay Together “For The Kids”, more harm will be done to my kiddo in my case, parting way is the best when co parent can't respect and love me for whom I am because I am not his mother. I don't want their hell.
Fear, greed, broken dreams: How early sports specialization is eroding youth sports
When Your Little Boys Aren’t Little Anymore, This is What You Can Look Forward To
Shed those shoes: Being barefoot benefits brain development and more!
Being Mom To A Middle Schooler Can Be The Toughest Gig Of All
Antacids, antibiotics for infants linked to later allergies
Why We Must Protect and Nurture Our Children’s Sense of Wonder

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