How I let go of distractions + ‘perfection’ and became a more peaceful parent” I wholehearted agreed. Once I got rid of my distraction, in life (toxic energy) and in lifestyle (electronic distraction) . I reduce stress and only focus on forming healthy connection with loves one and my lovely Gabe. It is so much healthier. Drama free is the best way to reduce, and eliminate stress. Pain on the other hand is a different story.
How to Make Repair Attempts So Your Partner Feels Loved "A significant part of love is simply making the effort to repair, maintain, and grow the relationship." No repair, no maintenance; no growth.--> the end of my relationship
How Trauma Lodges in the Body "So if we are around people who love us, trust us, take care of us, nurture us when we are down, most people do pretty well with even very horrendous events. But particularly traumas that occur at the hands of people who are supposed to take care of you, if you’re not allowed to feel what you feel, know what you know, your mind cannot integrate what goes on, and you can get stuck on the situation." a healer, recommended me to read " You can heal your life" by Louise Hay... interestingly, the book has some mixed reviews.. so I have to wait and see
A Post Dedicated To All The Parents Who Are Totally Killing It YES I am killing it with good hearts, compassion and good intentions. :)
6 Phrases guaranteed to make any argument worse; classic and we all do these mistakes.. the point is to learn, and practice. soon enough, we don't do it... frankly.. this has stopped for me since the person that used to call me crazy is out of the picture.. no more "calm down", "shut up" and "I am the problem" sentiment to flood my sensory.
Children need microbes — not antibiotics — to develop immunity, scientists say
“Aw—Mommy Will Make It Better” As my Gabo is getting older, this will be my style. "I’m here for you, but I also trust that you can do this.” And most importantly; "There’s one other crucial aspect to raising emotionally resilient kids: being a good model"
Honestly, Being A New Mom Is So Lonely, yeah it was.
8 Kid’s Albums That Will Help Every Parent Get Their Groove Back
Do You Cry Easily? You May Be a ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ "Highly sensitive people, known as HSPs, often respond more intensely to alarms, crowds and high-pressure situations, but they are more empathic and conscientious as well."
Even Though I’m Exhausted, I Have Good Reason For Letting My Kids Sleep In Our Bed
Why You Should Cheer on Your Daredevil, I support this, it helps Gabe develops his life skill, problem solving skills and building confidence when he is facing adversity.
The case against empathy
Napping Can Dramatically Increase Learning, Memory, Awareness, And More
Children should learn mainly through play until age of eight, says Lego
Understand the Tug-of-War of Life With Love and Hate Quotes
The Toddler Milestone I'm Dreading.. I am watching this closely on Gabe, I think he still loves his nap...:)
Trump Plan To Eliminate Universal Maternity Coverage Would Put A High Price On Being A Woman
What educators know about teaching young children — but policymakers ignore
The secret of happy children? Get rid of teachers and ban homework
Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being "Anger and sadness are an important part of life, and new research shows that experiencing and accepting such emotions are vital to our mental health."
Mental Health In Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions Of Students
Why I Stopped Punishing My Kids: Replacing Punishment with Connection “… To punish kids, very simply, is to make something unpleasant happen to them — or prevent them from experiencing something pleasant – usually with the goal of changing their future behavior. The punisher makes them suffer, in other words, to teach them a lesson” - Alfi Kohn
Why Typical Preschool Crafts Are a Total Waste of Time
These ‘Toddler Poems’ Perfectly Sum Up Parenting
Most people are secretly threatened by creativity
Sing to your bump: lullabies to babies in the womb decrease crying when they are born
Here’s What Your Subconscious Mind Wants You To Know, Based On The Way You Keep Self-Sabotaging Your Life
Tiny Moments: 10 Everyday Rituals that Mean a Lot to Kids
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