10 Things All Parents of Preschoolers Know for Sure
7 Proven Tips to Save Time in Your Kids’ Morning Routine
Complain All You Want, But Your Busy Schedule May Help Your Brain
Three Barriers Stopping Your Relationship From Reaching Its Potential
Would You Leave Your Baby Alone to Run an Errand? This Mom Did
Virginia Woolf on What Makes Love Last
10 Things You Should Let Your Child See You Do
5 Reasons To Do Crafts With Kids
NOW READING 10 Things I Naively Said To My Friends With Kids, Before I Had Kids
5 Simple Ways to Turn Around a Bad Mood Fast
What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Having Sex
Children in Cities Experience More Psychosis
Why Arguing Can (and Should) Make You Closer
Today, I Promise You: Vows Between New Parents< I wish I have someone that love me for whom I am. That is one lovely vow. Does the person really exist to tell you that?
How a Stranger Reminded Me That Raising Little Ones Is Magical
Science says parents of successful kids have these 13 things in common
I DITCHED ATTACHMENT PARENTING TO BE A BETTER PARENT I am glad that this mom got her sanity back. It was nice to know her partner did not shame her.
Potty Training Girls vs. Boys: The Real Differences
Listen To Your Smug, Sleep Training Friends. They’re Right.. really need to get my kiddo to bed earlier.
Memory Makers
"I'm Jealous Of My Nanny:" A Mom's Honest Confession. I wouldn't say I am jealous of Gabe's teacher or the 4 days that Gabe is away from me. I just wish I can be a stay at home mom to Gabe and not a working mom. I am doing my best to preserve all precious connections. I tried to work smart, so I can maximize my time with Gabe. He is my only child and he is always be my #1 priority.
Helping Toddlers Expand Their Language Skills
What Marriage Is Really Like "Marriage is letting go of all the expectations of what you think marriage should be. Marriage is imperfect, stinky, and prone to bouts of silence. But it’s also knowing that someone is legally required to laugh at your jokes and scratch that spot you can’t reach on your back."
Go Away, Mama! I love this blog about how to tell our kiddo we will still love them in their anti-stage.
How Positive Parenting Shapes the Brain
Life Isn’t Fair, So why do people behave as though it is?
Developing and Cultivating Skills Through Sensory Play
Regular Exercise Could Help Prevent Cervical Cancer In Women
Men & Women Reveal The Tragic Ways They Tried To Save Their Marriages
The Science of Making a Good First Impression
The Gospel of Parenthood, according to Tina and Amy
Here's to us ( that means you too!) I love being a mommy to my Gabe, no matter how tough life is becoming.
4 Things Worse than Not Learning to Read in Kindergarten
Incredible images show how babies fit into wombs
16 real ways to stay crazy in love with kids, with lots to learn
My son, the nudist
21 truths about motherhood that every mom knows. Haha, and I enjoy having audience, at least someone is smiling at me and having a good time. :) Belly laugh and kisses are the best ways to end the day with my Gabe. Love that kid sooooo much.
It’s Your Brain’s Fault You Make The Same Mistakes Over and Over
Done Right, Testing Enhances Learning, another view on why tests are good for kiddo... so many to think about as I ponder Gabe's education opportunities
Child, Do I Have Your Heart?
Why the Language We Use About Learning Determines Inclusivity
For one group of people, seeing friends decreases happiness
The happiest I will ever be/, Now that i know what to do with a partner that doesn't know how to love you back. I am a better parent to Gabe because I no longer has to fight off toxic ppl in my life. Yes I will have work problem, I will have money problem, I will have partner problem (just don't trash me). At the end of the day, I am the best mom Gabe will see because I did my best.
Neuroscience confirms that to be truly happy, you will always need something more
You Are My Last. The Last Child I Will Ever Have.
Top Kid Roadside Emergencies To Be Ready For
This Toddler Puked in the Back of His Dad’s Car, and All Hell Broke Loose, I had my kiddo's puke moments, not as epic. I just pulled over and cleaned and comforted Gabe... oh yeah the smell.. just had to suck it up, dude! The kiddo is already feeling bad enough...
Dear Kids: This Is What I Want You To Remember About Your Mom
The Fleeting Moments With My Last Baby
Take care of yourself for a change!
What Do Babies Really Know
Why it Pays to Be Friends Before Getting Romantic
Where Are The Cool Rap Songs About Math? Within Students
Study finds improved self-regulation in kindergartners who wait a year to enroll
Kids Know When Their Parents Are Stressed Out — Here's a Way to Manage That.. kiddo knows... please regulate...
The 6 Biggest Lies About Motherhood
Procrastination Is a Strong Emotional Coping Mechanism
Enough with the freaking snack bags!
13 So-True Quotes About How Strong Moms Are
Depression Is Only Partly a Psychological Condition
10 Parent Hacks to Make Caring for a Toddler Simpler
7 Ways We Miss Out on Happiness (and 3 Ways to Stop)
Want to Be Your Authentic Self? Get to Know Your Beliefs, Values, and Abilities
9 Ways To Be More Mindful From The ‘Mother Of Mindfulness,’ Ellen Langer
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