Wednesday, May 04, 2016

5 reasons why some people will never say "I'm sorry", interesting psychology of those losers. I personally know two (both are females) and I don't want my son learn from them.
Pulling Weeds: Shifting Focus from Discipline to Nurturing the Whole Child
7 tips for transitioning to positive parenting
One Word to Erase From Your Vocabulary ( + Six to Replace It With) NO MORE "BAD".. I am purposeful, persistent, considerate, perspective-filled, hopeful and kick-A awesome!
Gentle Discipline for Toddlers: Biting, Hitting and Impulse Control, learning about toddler's impulse control, or the lack of.
Supporting Parents in Low-Income Communities, I took attached vitamins class and realized that I will not want to raise Gabe the way I was brought up, I will be a very hands-on, warm and loving mom to Gabe.
To Help Students Learn, Engage the Emotions
Boys Will Be Boys ... Until We Teach Them to Be More
My Son Doesn’t Need to ‘Man Up’
Hilarious Video Illustrates Moms’ Many Pregnancy Struggles So real, and it is a very enjoyable experience, full of love and wonder.
A letter to moms from a woman without children
Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn Are Bad Moms in this Red Band Trailer
Maria Shriver’s Touching Advice On Parenting, Beauty, And Embracing Your Inner Warrior
Creating an Emotionally Supportive Home Environment
Someday My House Will Be Clean Again, I did some chores and organizing. I slept, took care of a sick child, had precious connection time, and we organized toys and got his train table set up. WE MADE PROGRESS. :)
15 Gross, Slightly Horrifying Things You Need To Know Before Becoming A Mom, yup yup, did it all , except 7. I will make sure I will lick him well. lol.
Irony Alert: Latinos May Determine Donald Trump's Fate
'Spotlight' celebrates journalism that couldn't have happened in these countries without press freedom
Same-sex adoption is now legal in all 50 states
Fort McMurray wildfire forces mandatory evacuations of 3 more neighbourhoods
Devoured: We Are What (And How) We Eat
‘Too much ice’ in Starbucks drinks — and other weird food lawsuits

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