This blog is a way for me to communicate with web browsing friends all over the world, and will serve as a virtual diary for me to share my perspective on the weird in the world.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Many first
First major upset at work: Time to get the resume ready.
First garage sale: I failed since I made zip nothing for the two hours that I worked for.
First doggie attack: I was a mess with tears and failed to get the ID of the dude that owned the nasty dog.
First trip to pet hospital: My heart sank as me being a first time parent to the emergency room with my furry injured kid.
First gathering: Embarrassed with the influence of alcohol, it was not funny at all... dummy, not me!
First garage sale: I failed since I made zip nothing for the two hours that I worked for.
First doggie attack: I was a mess with tears and failed to get the ID of the dude that owned the nasty dog.
First trip to pet hospital: My heart sank as me being a first time parent to the emergency room with my furry injured kid.
First gathering: Embarrassed with the influence of alcohol, it was not funny at all... dummy, not me!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
U.S. Gun Laws: A History. Guns, a very controversial topic... do you want to own a gun for self defense?
HK row sparks patriotism debate
Made In China
Life in Everest's commercial shadow
Japan warship begins China visit
Biofuel use 'increasing poverty'
Reporter: I was a 'security threat' on flight
Budweiser, the great Belgian lager?
HK row sparks patriotism debate
Made In China
Life in Everest's commercial shadow
Japan warship begins China visit
Biofuel use 'increasing poverty'
Reporter: I was a 'security threat' on flight
Budweiser, the great Belgian lager?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yeah, Horace and I joked about the old days!
My "YOUNG" mentor called and we talked about work and everything. He never fails to surprise me and I still have so much to learn from him, the father of Tapio at TC.He gave me some fatherly profession advice and if I have chosen to take his challenge. I will work on becoming a statistical mathematician chemical trial starch queen or as Perry could call me, tapioca princess/lady. I was given the responsibility/opportunity this week on DE starch. It's gonna be an AM or weekend trial, I am so lucky!
We also talked about the old fun days, buying expensive office accessories with plastic legally, we encourage each other to test the system again and frankly I think he will win before his new orders come. Or the new order had come and he simply couldn’t spend a penny.
We talked about little country and continent, the latest and the greatest in managing relationship with vendors, experts and equipment. We talked about speeding. And we talked about Charlie with his many degrees.
We also talked about the old fun days, buying expensive office accessories with plastic legally, we encourage each other to test the system again and frankly I think he will win before his new orders come. Or the new order had come and he simply couldn’t spend a penny.
We talked about little country and continent, the latest and the greatest in managing relationship with vendors, experts and equipment. We talked about speeding. And we talked about Charlie with his many degrees.
Have a great trip, Todd!
He is playing cello in this tour group and they are making stops in Eugene, Redding, Reno, and Torrey, Utah and the GrooveFest festival in Cedar City.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
4 weeks ago....the food highlight
Another glorious weekend at work
The trials(manga and tapioca and sand) had gone well so far. I am pleased especially when I am thinking about the additional vacations from working on weekends multiple times this year for trials, reports and presentations. I am offically an multi-machines engineer. Trials on all PM1, 2 and 3 in week 25 & 26.
Gus, took home the grand prize

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Mini APM meeting - 3 total
Friday, June 20, 2008
Party at Emerald city with WY
The event
Those were some expensive cakes for charity. Each costs on average USD400.
23# WY table
Center piece
One of the cool auction item
The crowd
Salad with white wine and ZenTini(Green Tea Martini)
Mashed Taro with Honey walnut Prawns and long beans
Jasmine Chocolate Mousse with mango, raspberry sauce
WY Group - Michael from CBPR and Trung from iLevel

Those were some expensive cakes for charity. Each costs on average USD400.

23# WY table

Center piece

One of the cool auction item

The crowd

Salad with white wine and ZenTini(Green Tea Martini)

Mashed Taro with Honey walnut Prawns and long beans

Jasmine Chocolate Mousse with mango, raspberry sauce

WY Group - Michael from CBPR and Trung from iLevel

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
1 month anniversary, living the life in the NW
I would say that Mocha adjusted fairly well here in the NW paradise. She runs, she barks and she pulls! Mostly importantly, she has a new family, both human and 4 legged.
It' been a month since I got a shock collar with remote from Turbo/Panda's. I will need to shave Mocha's neck before I try the collar out. She is also learning to deal with the Gentle leader. It will takes times to show progress but that's is the life of a husky. It is hard to go against genetic and learn not to pull when they are not in Siberia or Alaska. Obedience school every day is her life long mission, passion and ambition. We are buds and Yeah, I understand doggish and she whispered in my ears and told me so!!!!!! LOL!!!!
What not to love in the NW? She has a bigger play area, covered from rain or snow. It is a gem compared to her old 5 x 5 deck. The weather is nice and she has 2 playmates to run with, plenty of stuff to sniff, not to mention plenty of plastic toys to chew. She also gets to go from sleeping outdoor full time, to indoor on doggie cushion or couch or onto my bed when good behaviour counts.
Only 2 biting incidents had happened so far, fingers are healed. So we will have some work to do and it will be a long way to build mutual trust.
Her nick name: 豬頭, and she has joined the family of 豬仔 and 乖女.
It' been a month since I got a shock collar with remote from Turbo/Panda's. I will need to shave Mocha's neck before I try the collar out. She is also learning to deal with the Gentle leader. It will takes times to show progress but that's is the life of a husky. It is hard to go against genetic and learn not to pull when they are not in Siberia or Alaska. Obedience school every day is her life long mission, passion and ambition. We are buds and Yeah, I understand doggish and she whispered in my ears and told me so!!!!!! LOL!!!!
What not to love in the NW? She has a bigger play area, covered from rain or snow. It is a gem compared to her old 5 x 5 deck. The weather is nice and she has 2 playmates to run with, plenty of stuff to sniff, not to mention plenty of plastic toys to chew. She also gets to go from sleeping outdoor full time, to indoor on doggie cushion or couch or onto my bed when good behaviour counts.
Only 2 biting incidents had happened so far, fingers are healed. So we will have some work to do and it will be a long way to build mutual trust.
Her nick name: 豬頭, and she has joined the family of 豬仔 and 乖女.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Read this about a month ago, I am still working on it.
Tips Training New Puppy ALLEGRO SIBERIAN HUSKIES Suggested Alpha Help Roles THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY
Some things you could do to get your Siberian Husky to see you as the Alpha.
1. Go through doors and passage ways before your dog.
Rite of passage is important to dogs, and the alpha has the right first.
2. Eat first--then feed your dog.
3. If your dog is blocking your path, make him move out of your way--do not go around or step over him. Sub-ordinate animals move for the alpha.
4. Call your dog to you for petting and attention. Don't go to him. Use Call Name only when good. When bad just say" Bad Dog Bad Puppy" And reward him. Motivation and Reward.We all need a good reason to do things well. Praise Praise and LOVE
5. When coming home,if your dog does not come to greet you, ignore him. If you go running to your dog then,
you are treating him as the ALPHA.
6.When you play with your dog, be sure that you end up with possession of the toy, and then put it up.
7. Don't allow your dog to sleep on the bed with you. At best you are making him equal with you. (Of course, we all let up on this one after our alphaness is firmly established.)
8. Practice trust/dominance exercises. Gently put your dog down on his side or back and touch his ears, paws, etc. and give him a massage to make it all pleasant for him. Offer treats if he doesn't want his paws touched while you are touching his paws. (This helps later when you have to trim the toe nails.)
9. Be your dogs leader. Prove to him that he can trust you in all situations, and that you will provide for his every need. Be consistent in enforcing all rules of the house. Establish regular routines that he can depend on.
10. Practice "doggy" discipline, that is when your dog engages in undesirable behavior, discipline him in a way that he understands. Give him a scruff shake and a grunt or growl. You must catch him in the act for discipline to be effective, however, or he won't understand for what he is being corrected. With huskies it is best to make direct EYE contact. Huskies like wolves talk with their eyes And Talk to your Husky.
11. Practice taking objects from him, toys, food, etc. Start by trading the object for a yummy treat. Then give back the object back to him. Get him used to your hands around his food bowl. Start by adding yummy treats while he is eating. Work up to removing his food bowl while eating to add the treats, then replacing the bowl for him to resume eating. You can eventually work up to actually slipping your hand in to remove food while he is eating.
12. Chewing - Puppies cannot help chewing, they teeth just like all babies. This can be most annoying and become a habit that is hard to break. When puppy is small and starts to nip and bit ( take his open mouth and hold it gently shut with your hand , like an alligator mouth, and say NO in a firm regular voice. Every time puppy does this. Then from the beginning puppy will know, OPEN MOUTH BITING AND CHEWING IS NO. It also helps to get baby teething rings and old socks etc, put them in the freezer, when frozen give them to puppy to chew to sooth the gums.
13.It helps to keep huskies on a Harness plus collar for Tags and identification. Animals attack at the throat and jugular vein. So to tug or try to train a husky by yanking on his neck,sends an ALARM signal of DANGER to him. Thus he balks. By keeping a standard harness from pet shop, it hooks to his back and feels comfortable
and he is much easier to control and teach. But Try leash training first.
14: Most important when beginning training. Teach the puppy his NAME: use the CALL name FIRST. Example
Sunny : Come! -Sunny: Sit! =treat Never use the command first and the call name after the command. Eg: Come here Sunny. -Sit Sunny. We all pay attention when we hear our name called but not necessarily when people are just talking. So put emphases the puppy name you have chosen. Now you have the beginning foundation for your training
and the walls that will hold your training together.
15: Do not expect too much from your puppy.Remember we all learn at our own pace and in a step by step lesson.
Just like teaching your child or a friend. Slow and patience.
There are many more things that you can do, but these are good starting points for becoming your dog's friend. Remember that security and trust are important to a dog, and a good training provides security and can always be trusted.
Remember another point The Key to success is love and commitment.
World renowned ethologist and writer, Dr. Erich Klinghammer, Ph.D., director of Wolf Park, Indiana and President of North American Wildlife Federation, opines that:
"... the so-called alpha roll, over practiced by some, is nonsense. The context in which people do it with dogs does not coincide with the situation in which a wolf actively submits to a high-ranking wolf. We certainly do not use it with our hand-raised wolves. There is no way we can administer the intensity of a dominance attack on a wolf that they use with each other on very rare occasions. Establishing dominance is usually a drawn out series of encounters that eventually convinces a wolf to submit and run way a preferred strategy. If I were to go up to a hand-raised wolf that did not know me and attempt to dominate it physically, it would either run away or I would have one helluva fight on my hands - if the wolf could not get away. There is really a big difference between wolves and dogs. To simply extrapolate from wolves to dogs is at best problematical."
Dogs is Dogs
Have you ever heard someone say " that stupid dog just won't listen to me, but he listens to my wife ". This usually happens when a family gets a dog. The pup right off the bat knows who it has to listen to and who it doesn't. If the father or mother takes the time to train the pup, whoever sets the example gets the respect. Let's say the father can't get a handle on training the dog, yet the mother has no problem. Why would this happen? One reason and one reason only, the mother set the stage and let the pup know she is the boss. The father on the other hand may not have used the same approach. In the case of the mother, the pup has submitted to her, and as far as he is concerned mom is the top dog in this pack. The dog is second and the father is third.
It's not hard to see why some people have more luck training a pup than others. Just one thing - luck does not enter into the picture. If you are fortunate enough to be able to spend a lot of time with a pup you will have a better chance of forming a lasting bond. The same as a pack does. The more time you spend with the pup the stronger the pack bond develops, and you will have a more sociable dog . This may not be all together true if you let the dog get away with whatever it wants to. For example, if you decide the dog is not allowed into the living room, and you let him in, what have you taught the dog? Nothing. You have just confused him. He won't know from one time to the next what you want. So someone lets the dog in the house. His feet are dirty and he's in the living room, then he's on the sofa. What do you do now? It's not what you should do now, it's what you should have done in the first place. Don't let the dog in the living room. If you have decided that the dog is going to spend the nights in the house, give him a place that is out of the way of the flow of the family. Somewhere if he is wet it won't matter, and that is his spot. Once you let him know that, and he understands you, he'll feel safe within his pack because he has his spot. Your dog should be at the bottom of the pack not in the middle somewhere.
A young dog will jump up on people. Now for some people this may be acceptable. But consider this: it's been raining all day, you open the gate and Rover is waiting for you. Would you like him to jump up on you with his dirty paws? Or would you sooner have him not jump on you at all. If the answer is not jump on me, then let him know the first time he does it that you will not stand for this behaviour, and correct him right away. The best way to teach your dog this is to knee him in the chest when he jumps on you. Make it count. If you do this right, you may only have to do it a few times. Do not teach your dog to shake a paw, if you don't want that wet paw on you at a later time. Every member of the family has to be involved in this. If only one person lets the dog jump on them, that person is below the dog in the pack, and that is not to be tolerated.
Your young pup will also try to chew on your hands, every time you try to pet him. They are like human infants in this regard. Little children will put everything to their mouth. This is a learning process. The young pup chews everything. The same holds true in this case, if you do not want the pup to bite your hands, let him know this is not acceptable. I've found that by taking a hold of either his nose or his lip, and giving it a firm squeeze, and saying, "NO", and mean it, lets him know that when he bites you it's uncomfortable for him. I know if someone pinched my lip every time I made a mistake, it wouldn't take long, and I'd know, not to do that. Well the pup knows this too. It is very important to remember, if you don't want the grown dog to be chewing your hand every time you go to pet him, teach him now.
Your pup will also want to lick your face. In his world this is acceptable. When a dog wants to show a more dominant dog that it is yielding to its superiority, it will approach from underneath the others head. It will lick and chew on the more dominant dog's neck, and around the mouth. This is the important part. When he does that to you, and you let him, he will get a little more brave. If you do not show him at this time that this is not acceptable, he will get rougher, and rougher. This is his way of testing you to see if you'll roll over, and submit to him. By letting your dog get away with a simple little thing like biting at your hands, you just told him that your a real push over, and he doesn't have to listen to you. That puts you under the dog in his pack. Remember, think like the dog.
I once read somewhere that one good correction, is worth a thousand incorrect corrections, I really believe this. Consider this: all day long you have been just slightly bumping your head going through an opening, you probably wouldn't think too much about it right. On the other hand, if you walked through this opening, and really smashed your head, wouldn't you duck the next time? The same holds true for the dog. He learns the same way. Please realize I'm not telling you to beat your dog up by any means, but keep in mind the way the dog thinks. Being firm once or twice is a lot better than having to punish your dog every day, or three or four times a day, for the rest of his life, or until you get tired of it.
Try to keep in mind once you have disciplined your dog he'll still want to be near you. You can correct your dog, and within 2 seconds he'll want to be petted. You would have to beat a dog, really beat him, before he'd want to run away from you. That is the way it is in the world of the dog. He needs his pack and he doesn't mind being put in his place from time to time, and his place is at the bottom. Try to always remember think like the dog. That's all there is to it. These same basic rules also apply to an adult dog you have taken into your home. You may have heard the saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." Obedience, is not a trick, it should be a way of life for your dog, and if you think like the dog, you can make your new dog understand that what happened in his old pack, doesn't work here.
Some things you could do to get your Siberian Husky to see you as the Alpha.
1. Go through doors and passage ways before your dog.
Rite of passage is important to dogs, and the alpha has the right first.
2. Eat first--then feed your dog.
3. If your dog is blocking your path, make him move out of your way--do not go around or step over him. Sub-ordinate animals move for the alpha.
4. Call your dog to you for petting and attention. Don't go to him. Use Call Name only when good. When bad just say" Bad Dog Bad Puppy" And reward him. Motivation and Reward.We all need a good reason to do things well. Praise Praise and LOVE
5. When coming home,if your dog does not come to greet you, ignore him. If you go running to your dog then,
you are treating him as the ALPHA.
6.When you play with your dog, be sure that you end up with possession of the toy, and then put it up.
7. Don't allow your dog to sleep on the bed with you. At best you are making him equal with you. (Of course, we all let up on this one after our alphaness is firmly established.)
8. Practice trust/dominance exercises. Gently put your dog down on his side or back and touch his ears, paws, etc. and give him a massage to make it all pleasant for him. Offer treats if he doesn't want his paws touched while you are touching his paws. (This helps later when you have to trim the toe nails.)
9. Be your dogs leader. Prove to him that he can trust you in all situations, and that you will provide for his every need. Be consistent in enforcing all rules of the house. Establish regular routines that he can depend on.
10. Practice "doggy" discipline, that is when your dog engages in undesirable behavior, discipline him in a way that he understands. Give him a scruff shake and a grunt or growl. You must catch him in the act for discipline to be effective, however, or he won't understand for what he is being corrected. With huskies it is best to make direct EYE contact. Huskies like wolves talk with their eyes And Talk to your Husky.
11. Practice taking objects from him, toys, food, etc. Start by trading the object for a yummy treat. Then give back the object back to him. Get him used to your hands around his food bowl. Start by adding yummy treats while he is eating. Work up to removing his food bowl while eating to add the treats, then replacing the bowl for him to resume eating. You can eventually work up to actually slipping your hand in to remove food while he is eating.
12. Chewing - Puppies cannot help chewing, they teeth just like all babies. This can be most annoying and become a habit that is hard to break. When puppy is small and starts to nip and bit ( take his open mouth and hold it gently shut with your hand , like an alligator mouth, and say NO in a firm regular voice. Every time puppy does this. Then from the beginning puppy will know, OPEN MOUTH BITING AND CHEWING IS NO. It also helps to get baby teething rings and old socks etc, put them in the freezer, when frozen give them to puppy to chew to sooth the gums.
13.It helps to keep huskies on a Harness plus collar for Tags and identification. Animals attack at the throat and jugular vein. So to tug or try to train a husky by yanking on his neck,sends an ALARM signal of DANGER to him. Thus he balks. By keeping a standard harness from pet shop, it hooks to his back and feels comfortable
and he is much easier to control and teach. But Try leash training first.
14: Most important when beginning training. Teach the puppy his NAME: use the CALL name FIRST. Example
Sunny : Come! -Sunny: Sit! =treat Never use the command first and the call name after the command. Eg: Come here Sunny. -Sit Sunny. We all pay attention when we hear our name called but not necessarily when people are just talking. So put emphases the puppy name you have chosen. Now you have the beginning foundation for your training
and the walls that will hold your training together.
15: Do not expect too much from your puppy.Remember we all learn at our own pace and in a step by step lesson.
Just like teaching your child or a friend. Slow and patience.
There are many more things that you can do, but these are good starting points for becoming your dog's friend. Remember that security and trust are important to a dog, and a good training provides security and can always be trusted.
Remember another point The Key to success is love and commitment.
World renowned ethologist and writer, Dr. Erich Klinghammer, Ph.D., director of Wolf Park, Indiana and President of North American Wildlife Federation, opines that:
"... the so-called alpha roll, over practiced by some, is nonsense. The context in which people do it with dogs does not coincide with the situation in which a wolf actively submits to a high-ranking wolf. We certainly do not use it with our hand-raised wolves. There is no way we can administer the intensity of a dominance attack on a wolf that they use with each other on very rare occasions. Establishing dominance is usually a drawn out series of encounters that eventually convinces a wolf to submit and run way a preferred strategy. If I were to go up to a hand-raised wolf that did not know me and attempt to dominate it physically, it would either run away or I would have one helluva fight on my hands - if the wolf could not get away. There is really a big difference between wolves and dogs. To simply extrapolate from wolves to dogs is at best problematical."
Dogs is Dogs
Have you ever heard someone say " that stupid dog just won't listen to me, but he listens to my wife ". This usually happens when a family gets a dog. The pup right off the bat knows who it has to listen to and who it doesn't. If the father or mother takes the time to train the pup, whoever sets the example gets the respect. Let's say the father can't get a handle on training the dog, yet the mother has no problem. Why would this happen? One reason and one reason only, the mother set the stage and let the pup know she is the boss. The father on the other hand may not have used the same approach. In the case of the mother, the pup has submitted to her, and as far as he is concerned mom is the top dog in this pack. The dog is second and the father is third.
It's not hard to see why some people have more luck training a pup than others. Just one thing - luck does not enter into the picture. If you are fortunate enough to be able to spend a lot of time with a pup you will have a better chance of forming a lasting bond. The same as a pack does. The more time you spend with the pup the stronger the pack bond develops, and you will have a more sociable dog . This may not be all together true if you let the dog get away with whatever it wants to. For example, if you decide the dog is not allowed into the living room, and you let him in, what have you taught the dog? Nothing. You have just confused him. He won't know from one time to the next what you want. So someone lets the dog in the house. His feet are dirty and he's in the living room, then he's on the sofa. What do you do now? It's not what you should do now, it's what you should have done in the first place. Don't let the dog in the living room. If you have decided that the dog is going to spend the nights in the house, give him a place that is out of the way of the flow of the family. Somewhere if he is wet it won't matter, and that is his spot. Once you let him know that, and he understands you, he'll feel safe within his pack because he has his spot. Your dog should be at the bottom of the pack not in the middle somewhere.
A young dog will jump up on people. Now for some people this may be acceptable. But consider this: it's been raining all day, you open the gate and Rover is waiting for you. Would you like him to jump up on you with his dirty paws? Or would you sooner have him not jump on you at all. If the answer is not jump on me, then let him know the first time he does it that you will not stand for this behaviour, and correct him right away. The best way to teach your dog this is to knee him in the chest when he jumps on you. Make it count. If you do this right, you may only have to do it a few times. Do not teach your dog to shake a paw, if you don't want that wet paw on you at a later time. Every member of the family has to be involved in this. If only one person lets the dog jump on them, that person is below the dog in the pack, and that is not to be tolerated.
Your young pup will also try to chew on your hands, every time you try to pet him. They are like human infants in this regard. Little children will put everything to their mouth. This is a learning process. The young pup chews everything. The same holds true in this case, if you do not want the pup to bite your hands, let him know this is not acceptable. I've found that by taking a hold of either his nose or his lip, and giving it a firm squeeze, and saying, "NO", and mean it, lets him know that when he bites you it's uncomfortable for him. I know if someone pinched my lip every time I made a mistake, it wouldn't take long, and I'd know, not to do that. Well the pup knows this too. It is very important to remember, if you don't want the grown dog to be chewing your hand every time you go to pet him, teach him now.
Your pup will also want to lick your face. In his world this is acceptable. When a dog wants to show a more dominant dog that it is yielding to its superiority, it will approach from underneath the others head. It will lick and chew on the more dominant dog's neck, and around the mouth. This is the important part. When he does that to you, and you let him, he will get a little more brave. If you do not show him at this time that this is not acceptable, he will get rougher, and rougher. This is his way of testing you to see if you'll roll over, and submit to him. By letting your dog get away with a simple little thing like biting at your hands, you just told him that your a real push over, and he doesn't have to listen to you. That puts you under the dog in his pack. Remember, think like the dog.
I once read somewhere that one good correction, is worth a thousand incorrect corrections, I really believe this. Consider this: all day long you have been just slightly bumping your head going through an opening, you probably wouldn't think too much about it right. On the other hand, if you walked through this opening, and really smashed your head, wouldn't you duck the next time? The same holds true for the dog. He learns the same way. Please realize I'm not telling you to beat your dog up by any means, but keep in mind the way the dog thinks. Being firm once or twice is a lot better than having to punish your dog every day, or three or four times a day, for the rest of his life, or until you get tired of it.
Try to keep in mind once you have disciplined your dog he'll still want to be near you. You can correct your dog, and within 2 seconds he'll want to be petted. You would have to beat a dog, really beat him, before he'd want to run away from you. That is the way it is in the world of the dog. He needs his pack and he doesn't mind being put in his place from time to time, and his place is at the bottom. Try to always remember think like the dog. That's all there is to it. These same basic rules also apply to an adult dog you have taken into your home. You may have heard the saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." Obedience, is not a trick, it should be a way of life for your dog, and if you think like the dog, you can make your new dog understand that what happened in his old pack, doesn't work here.
The naughty child, helps! I am exhausted.
Tonight, Mocha is being very difficult.
1. Vegan wannable with Mom's flower in the backyard. She hasn't touch the tomato plants yet. Maybe she read about the salmonella.
2. Party animal can't tell times at all. She ignored both positive and negative reinforcement. I have to convince her that there is a reason to be inside, so not trusting me, even thought I can see from her point of view. Chasing her around in the family room is not good for my heart.
3. She is naturally attached to furniture with legs.
4. She really likes to give Romeo doggies kisses.
5. Yesterday, they were such good kids for most of the day that I rewarded them and they slpet on my bed.
6. This evening, she demanded to go into my room, and when her wish was not granted, she barked a river. I guess the bark collar is not working anymore. She got smart and maybe it is tImes to use the big-gun collar??
7. And she wins, I am sleeping on the floor with her in the family room. Thanks gawd, she stops barking.
Tomorrow, we will starting the training all over again. Official Siberian Husky Guide, I even bought a book. But so far there were good days, and there were bad days....Am I doing the right thing????
A month ago, I looked these up: What's good about 'em, what's bad about 'em ; Teaching Your Dog To Respect You; Teach Your Dog 100 English Words
This one is great read! Are you thinking about buying a Siberian Husky? and SH.
1. Vegan wannable with Mom's flower in the backyard. She hasn't touch the tomato plants yet. Maybe she read about the salmonella.
2. Party animal can't tell times at all. She ignored both positive and negative reinforcement. I have to convince her that there is a reason to be inside, so not trusting me, even thought I can see from her point of view. Chasing her around in the family room is not good for my heart.
3. She is naturally attached to furniture with legs.
4. She really likes to give Romeo doggies kisses.
5. Yesterday, they were such good kids for most of the day that I rewarded them and they slpet on my bed.
6. This evening, she demanded to go into my room, and when her wish was not granted, she barked a river. I guess the bark collar is not working anymore. She got smart and maybe it is tImes to use the big-gun collar??
7. And she wins, I am sleeping on the floor with her in the family room. Thanks gawd, she stops barking.
Tomorrow, we will starting the training all over again. Official Siberian Husky Guide, I even bought a book. But so far there were good days, and there were bad days....Am I doing the right thing????
A month ago, I looked these up: What's good about 'em, what's bad about 'em ; Teaching Your Dog To Respect You; Teach Your Dog 100 English Words
This one is great read! Are you thinking about buying a Siberian Husky? and SH.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sea Wolf
is in the town for a concert. Too exhausted to go though and Mocha decides to stay under the couch.
Mocha strikes again
After the plastic water bowl, the rug and the pipe insulation, Mocha had a battle with the comcast cable remote. Guess what, the electronic device lost and seperated in half. Mocha is the SUPREME trouble.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Family snap shots in the last 4 weeks
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