Friday, December 14, 2007

Week 50

I love Weetabix, I ate it 3X this week for breakfast, healthy and filling!
Nanking, the film from Sundance Festival
Nanjing remembers massacre victims
California, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico sign historic water pact, well, I think the Colorado River will be swallow soon!

Magma May Be Melting Greenland Ice
Dow Jones Shareholders OK News Corp. Bid, WS Journal changed hand.

最長壽的香港人110歲人瑞逝世, 人瑞神父辭世 修院電話錄音免煩擾
The 53 Places to Go in 2008, according to NY Times.
Row over China tiger photo 'fakes'
Chinese children die in jade rush
View from Weyerhaeuser's chief economist
Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013', where will the polar bears be?
HK head submits democracy report
Japan admits to lost pension mess, can you imagine losing your retirement when you are 60?
US and China clash on currencies
Fujimori jailed for abusing power
科大EMBA課程 全球稱冠; Hm, I need to look into this eMBA program!
地中海食物 魚菜多助延壽
每月餓一天 心臟更健康
近5000年大遷徒 人類進化加速百倍 基因差異擴大 亞非歐人種分別愈顯
布殊在位7年爭議不斷,拒絕大幅減排溫室氣體,連前聯儲局主席格林斯潘也指他是為石油利益入侵伊拉克 。印度議員德什潘德給布殊送贈的「七宗罪卷軸」,正是印度聖雄甘地對現代世界的批判,這七宗罪包括﹕沒有原則的政治、沒有工作的富裕、沒有良心的享樂、沒有人格的知識、沒有道德的商業、沒有人性的科學,以及不講奉獻的宗教。這份卷軸禮物價值不足7美元(55港元),正好是每條「罪狀」1美元!

US orchestra to make N Korea trip
How secure is your food supply?
Low faith in biofuels for climate
Flexible work life good for your health: study
Eating Lots of Meats Linked to a Number of Cancers, Chinese verison: 吃肉太多 增患肺癌風險
Report: Development harming Tibet
Voyager 2 finds solar system is uneven
Columbia River Pollution May Cause ‘River Nose’, many of us from the NW have "the r-nose".
Green Energy Resources (GRGR) Lands 5-Year $144 Million Sale to Export Woodchips to China
The struggle for media freedom
Gore climate plea to US and China
P&G Will Build Plant in Utah (silicon=sand)

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