Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 39

匯豐美國子公司結業 次按風暴未停, wow even HSBC USA is impacted by sub-prime rate
Darkoogle, an energy saver?
Food blog & Chinese Banquet
Beyond the pale? & Bridget Jones, she got it eaay, the stigma of dark skin?! Why!?
Global warming leaves Russians cold
Asian spacefarers race for the moon
China dam 'catastrophe' warning
香港廉潔度全球排14, 美國排二十
只有小店真情趣, 蒜茸蒸象拔蚌仔 looks so yummy!
Putting Money on the Table, this is interesting, I think, about having honey without money, hm...

Tue & Wed: My crash & burn trial is officialy over, actually, it went well and I am hoping to run an extended trial for 2 machines in about 2 weeks. Dom also reached 6 months safety record! Celebration is in planning.
Thursday: outage on PM2

Jane Goodall says biofuel crops hurt rain forests
OL, this is interesting.
海洋插逾億喉管抗暖化 冷水泵到海面 刺激海藻生長吸CO2
美耗油量新測試 本田豐田最慳油
Why Women Worry So Much
科大MBA躋身全球20強 蟬聯亞太第一 畢業生薪金排包尾, MBA, I am thinking about UW!
Most Expensive and Most Affordable Housing Markets, you wanna pack your bags for Killeen, Texas?

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