港膺全國最安全城市 不敵北京古今交融 最美麗排名居亞
Chinese inflation at decade high, do you know who is the world's biggest consumer of pork?
Federer makes it four straight at U.S. Open, Djokovic lets it slip away
Weyco: Closures, cuts on the horizon from Longivew Daily News, my heart is sinking!
China bans lead paint on toy exports
Can't quit chocolate? Don't fret, it's no addiction. That's heavenly!
The Good Shepherd
The Lives of Others, can you imagine being watched in every move? Well, our government do that already, they can eavesdrop without warrants on terror suspects.
Accounting figures from August came out and once again PM1 broke speed plan (5th month in a row, baby!). I might sleep better tonight, knowing that I was not in red zone last month. I was dressing in red severely in the 2nd quarter & I have been working very hard to turn that around. I can’t afford to overdose the machine. However, despite all the hard work from everyone, the bottom line was red. (-$$$$)
There was a fire at one of the machine, the fire department was called to the scene. Luckily everyone worked safely through the ordeal and there was no significant damage to the equipment. There was a tour for some Japanese customers at the time, I wonder what they would think of us?
Double decker at I-5 S-bound at Longview, weird? He was really crusing under the posted speed limit

以前多生男 現全球多女
多氯聯苯(PCB)& 滴滴涕(DDT), so what is 滴滴涕 ?
每日一杯健力士 減患心臟病風險
口服避孕藥 減患癌風險 36年研究4萬婦女 風險降3至12%
China shoppers 'to boost growth'
Wednesday: Volunteering the day at the Progress Center Neuromuscular Clinic
The day was great! We did painting, weeding and moving furniture around. I got paint on my hair (new highlight), my shirt and my shoe and a day off from work for a good cause. Tennis night and I am ready to hit some balls!
2 days later, the headlines read After Abe's Exit, Will Japan Retreat?; What led Shinzo Abe to resign?
Animal Extinction, a very sad topic
Conservation alone 'is not enough'
Gorillas head race to extinction
Rare river dolphin 'now extinct'
Reducing newsprint capacity in Europe
Rise of far right alarms Germans
Swiss citizenship system 'racist'
Italy urged to go on pasta strike
Manga shares gain on leader hopes, good for business, the industry that I am in!
Dirty energy threatens health of 2 billion: study
Welcome to Stockton: foreclosure capital USA
Huskygal new motto: I know I was to blame for everything that happened.(In Spanish: Sé que debía culpar por todo que sucedió.)
China cracks down on one-child violators
How do you know you are healthy? So really, how do you know?
Fibre turns a profit
Never Give an Umbrella as a Gift in Beijing
Rare Mormon book up for bid
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