I have been thinking about finding my Jay Chou CDs, Jay, his debut album in 2000 and Fantasy from 2001. Yes, life is lonely in L-town and I am desperate.
Richard said Annett & her bf, Mike is going to moving back west. Yeah, I hope to see them soon. Remember Richard: "Friends don't let friends live in Toledo". He recommended Urban dictionary, UD in wiki. I couldn't stop my link to wiki, help!
What is REIT? Big W is thinking about it. What will happen to the paper mill business?
Huskies R loves sweaters, she loves them so much that she bought 5 sweaters from Freddy in one visit. She has been modeling the sweaters at work. Very interesting esp. when she asks me for comment! I am not a sweater person.. Hence, no comment!
She has a sweater sale antenna and regularly I would receive updates about sweater sale from major clothing outlets. It’s a great plus to have the sale news without doing actual work to search for them.
I have a new nickname from a vendor, Process bosswoman. No one call me a grunt yet. Let's negotiate. I gonna miss Doug's smiley face and I don’t want to be a bosswoman.

I can't wait to make lo bak go. Here is the recipe.
I read that Chinese Automaker Chang Feng is making their debut in auto shows in NA. The SUVs look strange.
We gonna help each other! APA!
Another HK food safety scandal from Park N' Shop. Here is the article from The Standard.
An Unthinkable Crime, Until Someone Finally Thought of It from NY Times. Why rob them?
HK health news Mainland women, back off. More articles from BBC: Hong Kong limits pregnant Chinese, HK's draw for pregnant Chinese
My long-lived Ichiro story is still in circulation but I expect things will get quieter by February. Oh, it’s tomorrow.
W-N achieved a milestone on 1-27-07 9:12 AM: 1 Million hours without a lost time injury, there were cakes and congratulation banners everywhere and maybe SMT safety awards lie somewhere on the horizon. Even without awards or any honorable mention in W-newspaper, it’s still freaking awesome.
Scary market update:
Two big players decided to merge, Newsprint Powerhouse Merge on Monday 1.29.07, my instant feeling on the subject: Future Market Domination? Hopfully, the market Council will tell us more but as analysts predict the big ship will still sink, slower.
Cubicle shuffle continues. My scheduled move is this Friday. Brian just got moved and he is passing on to me the first shipment of old files. I got 3 boxes so far, there will be more.
APA movie: Red door. I would like one in my future house.
Countdown for Doug, 2 days to go, remember trust no self-proclaimed expert, so he said. G100 & C&OPS- Chemical Cost is driving me insane.
Earl the squirrel is W_N mascot. Earl has a pal named Merl. Ain’t we cool? I got a T-shirt with Earl on it.
W-News update
1. Shuttered ‘Cosi’ mill may still reopen, as I previously reported in week 2. They are talking to another potential buyer.
2. Realities hurt, wood mills were being curtailed/closed/on market for sale/sold and workers are losing job, the news came every week.
3. A wood mill is being built on Longview compound. It showed W-N long term sustainability.
張二小姐的冬日急救架撐. I think she gave great tips, girls we should try it.

CNY is about 3 weeks away, 髮菜 is in the headline. 食環署驗髮菜不理真偽 只測化學物 5年17樣本全無問題, HKfehd has some explainings to do, again.