Wanted: Pontiac Mini-van with Alberta license plate xxx-xxx.
RCMP was on our behind. Technically, it's my uncle, Ray's rear that they are going after. He forgot to pay at the gas station at Grassland on the way to Fort Mac. Yeah sure, I will tell you more. It's funny. On the way to Fort Mac, his cell phone rang, with a cop on the other end explaining that they got his license plate at the station. In the middle of the call, his phone died. Panic - until I saved the day and used my phone to call the station and pay by phone. For a moment, I thought I was being chased and stopped by RCMP on HWY 63, with the opening line like this. "Hands up, step out of the vehicle NOW!"
The other major highlight in Fort Mac was visiting the good old Canton restaurant - same old same old, but older. Reminded me of my early days in Fort Mac. Memories.
Got to take Grandma on a tour of town, Oil Sands center, and the few other highlights, such as WalMart and the SuperCenter. We were just looking for the mosquito mug - everyone in town remembers it, but nobody seemed to know where to find one. The final highlight was a drive out to visit the open mine where the oil sands are unearthed - Grandma was sure we would be attacked by bears, moose and more. She appreciated my fascination, but once she saw the big hole, she appeared unimpressed. I was eager to see more of the facility, but there was no time. Didn't see much wildlife at the viewpoint - but did bring back memories.
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