Friday, July 22, 2022

We keep wanting to attach purpose onto everything that happens and resolve our questions by giving definitive answers, we humans. Like, why was I meant to endure hardship or walk through valleys or why would any loving source permit you to stumble in the dark or experience unspeakable pain…

You have been through what you have been through and by some grace you recognized what needed to flourish. Like meeting your anger where it is, then giving it some space to reveal how it feels to be abandoned. Or letting your disappointment and confusion admit they exist so they can have enough time to evolve into compassion.

Not everything happens for a good and cosmic reason. But it's the stuff you managed to translate into healing that casts a glow for others to find their way, too. — Susan Frybort

You Were the Light All Along

You were the light all along.
You needn't wait anymore
on the arrival of grand champions
or spiritual giants
when YOU are the final hero
of your life story.
It was you who struggled with God
and wrestled with demons
in the face of everyday conflict.
It was you who unsheathed
a blade of determination
to slash through the brush of daily fear.
It was you who sank into
the very depths of yourself, then
trudged through the sludge of pain
to find the hidden parts
silently praying for healing.

It is you, bright child.

And it is the stuff born out
of your darkest of days
that brings pure light
into this world. - — Susan Frybort, Look to the Clearing

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