Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Don't let ageism define you. How to enjoy life at every stage

"Why is it an embarrassment to have old-looking skin? Why can’t I have wrinkles and grey hair and own it? This is what the body does. It ages. So then why are we not meant to look our age? Or in my case even older! I have decided to take a stand and turn the tides. I am claiming my age and my place in the surf line and voicing my truth. We are allowed to age." - Polly Green

We Are Allowed to Age: Why I Don’t Care That I Look Old

As a woman gathers more years she becomes more bold, which is not the same as brave: brave is jumping in. Bold is jumping in led by angels. In age, we learn to know the difference, for certain, older is bolder. - Dr. Clarisssa Pinkola Esters

The key to aging is to not mourn what's lost but to celebrate what remains. - Marc Middleton

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