Sunday, May 01, 2022

Love is here, self love, and thanks for the reminder

It's amazing how much energy we can channel into chasing love and approval from those who cannot offer it. It’s like the self-concept gets enmeshed with the wrong people- the neglectful ones, the abusive ones, the ones who have yet to move from love. And then the mesh turns into a prison, locking us inside of our own longing, waiting for a liberator that will never come. Because some people cannot love- they just can’t. Some people cannot stop taking their misery out on others, and locking you in with their unresolved pain. The greatest act of self- love is to let them slip back into their darkness, and to walk towards your own light. It doesn't matter who they are- parents, siblings, partners, colleagues. Let them go. Grant yourself permission to be loved. God or Providence or whatever you call it already stamped you with supreme approval. That you are here is evidence of your inherent value. No need to look for it in those humans who cannot give it. No need to wait on the impossible ones. Begin with those who recognize your value, begin in the mirror. Stay there until you see what has always been true. There's a lighthouse in your soul, shining bright through your divine countenance. Look close, closer, closest, until you see... you. - Jeff brown

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