Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Be faithful to this moment -- if it is painful, it will pass.
If it is joyful, it will also pass. - Coelho, The Archer

而是你被恐懼困住不敢去做。- 馮云

“If you see things with real insight, then there is no stickiness in your relationship to them. They come, pleasant and unpleasant, you see them and there is no attachment. They come and they pass.
Even if the worst kinds of defilement come up, such as greed or anger, there enough wisdom to see their impermanent nature and allow them to fade away. If you react to them, by liking or disliking, that is not wisdom. You're only creating more suffering for yourself.” - Ajahn Chah

“By developing gentleness toward ourselves, the irritation of being with oneself is taken away. When that kind of friendliness to oneself occurs, then one also develops friendliness toward the rest of the world. At that point, sadness, loneliness, and wretchedness begin to dissipate. We develop a sense of humor. We don’t get so pissed off if we have a bad cup of coffee in the morning. Appreciating our human dignity comes from that.” - Chögyam Trungpa

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is tohave succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I had to let go of much, to hold on to myself a little tighter. - BIlly Chapata

If you have to let go & begin again thousands of times, that's fine. That's the practice. - Sharon Salzberg

The art of losing love but continuing to love yourself. - Billy Chapata

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