Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Goodbye seasons past; thank you for inviting us to honor all that is real, bountiful and sure, to learn to trust the seed, to tend and nurture the soil, to wait with patience for the fruit of our labor, and to gather with gratitude the sustenance we’ll need before the long night in December.
Tonight, as the sun silently softens, we’ll welcome the sequence of time —we’ll turn with the promise of a fresh cycle. But for now, this new phase summons us to slow down and regenerate within the quiet, darkened evenings.
So let the stillness offer peaceful rest and whisper assurance. Let the cold prompt us to seek inner warmth. Let us settle into the arms of Winter’s hibernal season, knowing it will one day melt into the earth and nourish all life that is to come. - Susan Frybort

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