Friday, December 17, 2021

All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. - Indian Proverb

The quality of your life depends on the seeds you water. - Thich Nhat Hanh

“Many of us are barely awake. We’re living in the world, but we can’t really see it; it’s as though we’re sleepwalking.
To wake up first of all is to wake up to the beauty of the Earth. You wake up to the fact that you have a body and that your body is made of the Earth and sun and stars.
You wake up to the fact that the sky is beautiful and that our planet is a jewel of the cosmos. You have an opportunity to be a child of the Earth and to make steps on this extraordinary planet...” - Thich Nhat Hanh

“Don’t worry if you feel you can only do one tiny good thing in one small corner of the cosmos. Just be a Buddha body in that one place.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

Awareness is liek the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed. - Thich Nhat Hanh

When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything. - Thcih Nhat Hanh

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