Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Washington sees record unemployment rate of 15.4 percent in April
Washington and Clackamas Counties Applying to Reopen June 1
Face Masks to Be Required on Metro, Buses
Video Shows Portland Man Pitching a Fit About Having to Wear a Mask in New Seasons
Oregon Emergency Orders Remain Valid For Now, State Supreme Court Rules
The Oregon Supreme Court Says Gov. Kate Brown’s Executive Orders Remain in Effect
‘People… we’re not out of the woods yet.’ Oregon’s reopening presents new challenges to keep coronavirus at bay
Clark County approved to apply for Phase 2 of re-openingTrending
Inslee announces allowance of non-emergency medical procedures
Oregon Emergency COVID Orders Remain Valid For Now, Supreme Court Rules
Oregon Supreme Court temporarily reinstates Brown's coronarvirus restrictions
Clark County adds five COVID-19 cases over weekend
Lane County Learns Of 5 New COVID Cases After Weekend
Judge Invalidates Oregon Governor’s Stay-Home Orders, Allowing Churches to Open
Judge tosses out Gov. Kate Brown's coronavirus restrictions in Oregon
We've reached 1,000 lives lost to coronavirus in Washington state. Here are some of their stories
L.A. now requires face coverings even when outside. Here are the rules
San Juan becomes first county in Pacific Northwest to mandate face masks in public
Face coverings to be required for TriMet riders as part of COVID-19 safety precautions
TriMet Will Require All Bus and Train Passengers to Wear Masks

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