Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Donald Trump says Xi Jinping ‘acted responsibly’ in Hong Kong extradition bill protests
Gang attacks riders on Hong Kong subway
【商界開腔】香港總商會發聲明 促港府正式「撤回」逃犯條例 並成立調查委員會
利君雅追擊特首林鄭月娥 網友激讚:良心記者
Hong Kong Protests Turn Violent As Clashes Erupt Between Demonstrators And Masked Mob
Taiwan could give refuge to Hong Kong protesters
管治靠流氓 維穩靠村姑 
【無警時分】不打自招? 盧偉聰否認與施襲者聯手:與黑社會勢不兩立
【無警時分】巴丟草漫畫斥「港警狼狽為奸」 港瑞典商會會長轟警「絕對恥辱」
【無警時分】何君堯上周「獻計」鄉事:密啲手 打到片甲不留
【無警時分】田少斥林鄭拒辭職令港永無寧日 泛民聯署促盧偉聰下台
傳打回家示威者 元朗大批白衣人街頭追打市民 街坊稱報警久未見警察 
Over 40 injured as ‘gangsters’ attack protesters in Yuen Long
何君堯:元朗白衣人「保家衛族,驅趕暴徒」 不會與他們割席
Hong Kong police criticized over failure to stop attacks on protesters
【商界開腔】香港總商會發聲明 促港府正式「撤回」逃犯條例 並成立調查委員會
【果燃台live】何君堯議辦被爆玻璃掟蛋 市民問候「良心何在」
The Normalization of Radicalism in Hong Kong
Hong Kong protests: Armed mob violence leaves city in shock
'Where were the police?' Hong Kong outcry after masked thugs launch attack
Hong Kong activists hurl eggs, ink balloons at top China office, after huge anti-extradition law demo
社福界灣仔集會 社工批政府不回應訴求要代收拾爛攤子
【冷知識】連儂牆與John Lennon的關係 4件你可能不知道的事c
Giving peace a chance with Hong Kong’s Lennon Wall War
More than 50 major companies, from Apple to Nintendo, pull production from China because of the trade war
張超雄撤回私人草案 為敏感時刻提出草案致歉
HP, Dell and Microsoft look to join electronics exodus from China
China scrambles to stem manufacturing exodus as 50 companies leave

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