Friday, June 08, 2018

Trump Likely To Get Chilly Reception At G-7 As Allies Bristle At U.S. Moves
As U.S. Flexes Its Muscles On Trade, Other Countries Are Beginning To Push Back
Trump Signals Possible Support For Bipartisan Marijuana Legislation
Former Senate Aide Charged With Lying To FBI About Contacts With Reporters
Trump says 'let Russia back in' to G-7 summit
If Democrats want a blue wave, they need to try voting. It’s a simple calculation that too many Californians don’t seem to get. If you want to change leadership, you have to take the time to vote.
G7 leaders set to clash with combative Trump over tariffs, trade
Ex-White House Press Secretaries Agree: Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Lies Hurt America
EPA Chief's Latest Ethics Issue: Used Mattress From A Trump Hotel
Say Goodbye To Some Paper Investment Reports
Democrats Breathe Sigh Of Relief After Tuesday's Primaries
Voters Recall Aaron Persky, Judge Who Sentenced Brock Turner, still no justice to victim!
Federal School Safety Commission Holds First Public Session. DeVos Wasn't There
Ryan Says There's 'No Evidence' The FBI Informant Spied On Trump's Campaign
Mick Mulvaney Effectively Fires CFPB Advisory Council
Sarah Sanders Pressed On Russia Meeting Lies: How Do Reporters ‘Know What To Believe?’
As a willing warrior for Trump, Sarah Sanders struggles to maintain credibility
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is Out Of Credibility

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