Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio’s Purge of Voting Rolls
A Senior White House Official Defines the Trump Doctrine: ‘We’re America, Bitch’
Attorney General Denies Asylum To Victims Of Domestic Abuse, Gang Violence
Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Ohio Voter-Purge Law
Trump And Kim Eager To Declare Success In Singapore 'No Matter What Happens'
Trump, Kim Sign Joint Document After Summit In Singapore
Exhausted aides of a chaotic president eye White House exits
Americans are saying #ThanksCanada in wake of Donald Trump’s attack on Justin Trudeau
Sessions rules that domestic and gang violence will no longer be valid reasons for asylum
After G7 summit, European leaders accuse Trump of 'incoherence and inconsistency' "In a matter of seconds, you can destroy trust with 280 Twitter characters," German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said when asked about Trump's U-turn, adding it would take much longer to rebuild lost trust.
Trump claims U.S. is ‘respected again' in the world. 'Preposterous,' say allies and diplomats
This viral photo perfectly illustrates Trump’s biggest lie
Trump Withdraws Endorsement Of G-7 Communique Over Trudeau Statements
Canada Responds After White House Says Trudeau 'Stabbed Us In The Back'
What To Watch For As Trump Takes Aim At ACA Protections
Trump to leave G7 early, tensions high after 'rant' over trade
He may not get a nuclear deal, but Trump may leave Singapore with an orchid named after him

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