Tuesday, February 27, 2018

「由始至終 只有你一位 難以代替 愛得多仔細」- 李敏

Goodnight, my love
Sleep well, my dear
I knew you, long before you were here.
If I drift out to sea
Don't look for me
I'm on the Island of Misfit Dreams
As lonely as that seems...
When you take it out and you breathe it in
And you give it all till your air is thin
And you find your heart hiding in the sink
And you look around and you look away
And you beg for mercy and cry and pray
And you take in all the mess that you made...
Oh just leave me alone here...till I don't need to be saved
You twinkle just like a star
But I know who you are
And if you bough does break
Oh the beauty in your mistake
Giving it all, giving it all, giving it all away
For free...
Teaching Our Kids to Be Losers
I’m Not A Perfect Mom, But I Am A Good Enough Mom
5 Things To Do When Your Heart Physically Hurts
20 'Harmless' Comments That Actually Hurt People With Anxiety
由始至終,只有你一位; 不是每一對戀人都會有默契,若能夠建立到一套僅屬於你和他所擁有默契,這是一種福氣,這說起來有點玄妙,但其實有默契的人會懂,你未說,他就懂;你才一揚眉,他已經察覺你情緒;你有委屈想訴苦,他剛好就來關心... 能夠建立獨一無二的默契是一種福氣 也需要運氣和緣份
The Promise of Self-Compassion for Stressed-Out Teens. Many in this driven generation believe they can’t move forward without beating themselves up." Self-compassion may be most critical in adolescence, when researchers say it is at its lowest levels."
Couples who follow 2 basic rules when they argue tend to be happier and stay together longer
Punishing Children for Being Human
Why You Should Never Tell Someone to Relax It’s a paradoxical fact: When someone is getting stressed out, one of the least effective things to say is “Relax.”
The One Thing No One Ever Says About Grieving "Please remember, the grief you're experiencing is yours, and you can carry it with you for as long as you like. Let go of it only when you feel ready-enough, and if you never feel ready, that’s okay."
【最自私的老公】網上公審老婆「反智、港女」, the entitlement from the wife is not what I can imagine!
你的善良必須有點鋒芒:36則讓你有態度、不委曲,深諳世故卻不世故的世道智慧, this will be an excellent book.
An Artist Sees Data So Powerful It Can Help Us Pick Better Friends
How to Maintain Friendships
Love. Pain. Regret. A Six-Part Series About Becoming a Mother
Take Your Child on a One-Hour Adventure Every Day

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