Monday, February 13, 2017

Justice Depts. lawyers says 100,000 visas revoked under the travel ban, State Dept. says about 60,000
The president is violating the court orders against his Muslim ban. Here’s how he’s getting away with it
With billions at stake, a federal judge just nullified the GOP's most cynical attack on Obamacare
Donald Trump seeks a grand bargain with Vladimir Putin
How Large Employer Health Plans Could Be Affected By Obamacare Overhaul
Sears, Kmart join other retailers in dropping Trump-branded items
That’s not anarchy, Rep. McClintock, it’s democracy
Trump Sold America a Miracle Cure
Stephen Fry shuts down Donald Trump with the most British insult ever
A US born NASA scientist was detained at the border until he unlocked his phone
John Oliver Returns with a Brilliant Plan to Fight Donald Trump's Lies
Why does the United States still let 12-year-olds get married?
A Dangerously Isolated President
These Conservative Christians Are Opposed to Trump—and Suffering the Consequences
Meet the scientists affected by Trump’s immigration ban
House Republicans Vote to End Rule Stopping Coal Mining Debris From Being Dumped in Streams SO Awful>>> SO SICKENING... it is just liked any Flint, MI. The Government is in the business to poison her people.
Russian protesters take to the streets over measure to decriminalize domestic violence
Are Democrats Falling Into Trump’s Trap?
Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party'

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